Move to Israel and became Muslim

on 10 Agustus 2010
In 1998, Joseph Cohen, an Orthodox Jew born in the U.S. to move to Israel for a very strong belief in the teachings of Judaism. He later lived in Gush Qatif settlements in Gaza (Israel withdrew from Gaza area in 2005).

Cohen never thought that the move to Israel instead bring in the light of Islam. After three years of settlement in Gaza, Cohen decided to become a Muslim after he met with a sheikh's origin and the United Arab Emirates to discuss theology with the sheikh is via the Internet. Once converted to Islam, Cohen changed his name to the name of Islam Yousef al-Khattab.

Shortly after he uttered the confession of faith, his wife and four children Yousef follow in his footsteps to become Muslims. Now, Yousef al-Khattab active preaching among Jews, though he himself disowned by their families who do not like to see it converted to Islam.

"I was no longer in touch with my family. We should not decide familial relationship, but my family is Jewish parties to the entity to his Jewishness. We have no other option but to terminate at this time.'s Last words that they toss at me, they told me barbaric, "said Yousef about the relationship with his family now.