Nationalist leaders in Medan, Ramlan Rangkuti, said the feud between Indonesia and Malaysia, is a history that repeats, like a year from 1962 to 1966.
"That time, these two countries at odds to embed its dominance for the future of the island of Borneo," she called to alert Online, mini mala.
Ramlan explained, the historical confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia began from a desire to combine the neighbor country of Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak Tanah Melayu by the Guild in 1961. But desire is opposed by President Sukarno, who consider Malaysia as "puppets" of Britain. In 1961, Borneo was divided into four administrative.
"Kalimantan, an Indonesian province, located in south Kalimantan. In the north were the kingdom of Brunei and two British colonies, Sarawak and British North Borneo, later renamed Sabah, "he said.
As part of its withdrawal from its colonies in Southeast Asia, added Ramlan, the UK moved to combine its colonies on Borneo with Malaya to form Malaysia.
"The plan was opposed by the Indonesian government, was then president Sukarno argued that Malaysia was a British puppet, and the consolidation of Malaysia would increase British control in the region, thus threatening the independence of Indonesia," he explained.
At that time, continued Ramlan, in Brunei, North Borneo National Army (TNKU) began a rebellion on December 8, 1962. They try
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