Hari besar yang paling dirayakan di United States adalah Thanksgiving Day, bukan Christmas atau New Year. Thanksgiving Day dirayakan setiap kamis ke empat pada bulan Nopember. Untuk tahun ini, Thanksgiving Day jatuh pada 26 Nopember 2009. Pada hari tersebut kantor, bank, toko tutup. Beberapa grocery stores tetap buka.
Thanksgiving Day sebenarnya adalah pesta syukuran untuk mengungkapkan terima kasih kepada mother nature, yang sudah membantu petani sehingga berhasil panen. Konon kabarnya diperingati pertama kali di tahun 1621 di Plymouth Plantation oleh 53 pilgrims dan 90 Indian.Pilgrims adalah orang Inggris yang merantau ke Amerika untuk memperoleh kebebasan beragama, lalu mendirikan koloni di Amerika. Banyak pilgrims yang meninggal karena hawa dingin yang ekstrem dan tidak tahu cara bertani di tanah yang baru. Orang Indian ( native American) membantu mereka dalam bertani, berburu dan beternak sehingga semuanya berlalu dengan baik. Sebagai rasa syukur mereka memperingati Thanksgiving Day setiap tahun.
Pada Thanksgiving Day penduduk United States kebanyakan mudik ke kampung halaman, bertemu dengan orang tua dan sanak keluarganya. Mereka bersama sama makan malam dengan hidangan berupa roasted turkey (kalkun) yang sudah diisi dalamnya, cranberry sauce, gravy, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cornbread, corn on the cob, dan lain lain. Untuk dessert biasanya pumpkin pie atau apple pie.
Di United States hanya sekali belajar menikmati makanan seperti tersebut diatas. Saat itu kami memesan satu paket hidangan dengan turkey yang paling kecil. Turkey yang besar, pahanya sebesar betis manusia, jadi kami cukup tahu diri. Makanan satu paket itu bertahan tiga hari, sisa turkey kami bikin bubur model bubur ayam. Cocok dengan cuaca yang dingin. Sesudah itu kami pernah pesan roasted turkey tanpa stuffed dan hidangan pendampingnya di Chinatown. Ini model orang Asia ikutan makan di Thanksgiving Day. Mereka makan panggang turkey dengan plum sauce (biasanya untuk makan bebek panggang) atau hoisin sauce. Yang jual turkey panggang model ini adalah orang Hong Kong yang tiap harinya jual babi, bebek dan ayam panggang. Antriannya sangat panjang, untung kita pesan dulu. Untuk hari kamis yang akan datang, kami tidak merencanakan makan turkey dengan alasan porsinya terlalu besar, dan kita tidak terlalu suka dengan hidangan pendampingnya. Kalau tidak malas, akan bikin nasi kuning, ayam kalasan, acar kuning, sambal goreng, perkedel, dan soto.
Hari Jum’at sesudah Thanksgiving Day terkenal dengan sebutan Black Friday. Sesudah libur sehari, keesokan harinya toko toko buka lebih awal (ada yang buka tengah malam) dengan harga yang sudah di discount besar besaran. Banyak orang yang sudah antri di depan toko dengan membawa kursi bahkan tenda dari sore. Hal ini karena ada beberapa barang murah (umumnya elektronik) dengan jumlah yang hanya beberapa buah.
Hari sesudah Thanksgiving juga di meriahkan dengan Thanksgiving Parade yang disponsori oleh Macy’s department store di Seattle. Pohon natal di atap Macy’s di nyalakan lampunya sore harinya. Sesudah itu secara resmi sudah memasuki Holiday Season. Santa Claus membunyikan bel di mana mana untuk minta sumbangan, mall dan pinggir jalan di pusat kota dihias dengan pohon natal dan hiasan natal lainnya. Orang sudah saling mengucapkan Happy Holiday, untuk orang yang tidak kita ketahui apa agamanya. Semua happy, belanja, pesta sampai akhir tahun.
Devisa Kita Raib....
Taksi yang saya tumpangi melintasi kawasan Mustafa Centre, sebuah kawasan mall di Singapura yang selalu ramai selama 24 jam. “Hendak ke mana?” supir taksi keturunan India menyapaku dalam logat melayu yang kental. “Marina Bay Sands, tower dua,” kata saya.
Mengira saya adalah Warga negara Indonesia yang akan bermain judi di resor terpadu milik Las Vegas Sands ini, sang sopir dengan akrabnya bercerita mengenai kelakuan orang-orang Indonesia yang bermain judi di Marina Bay Sands. “Dua minggu lalu saya antar seorang wanita chinese warga negara Indonesia yang menangis di taksi saya karena kalah judi dan harus menyerahkan apartemennya,” cerita sang supir. menurutnya, sang wanita bercerita kepada anaknya di Indonesia sambil tersedu-sedu, perihal kekalahannya di meja sic po.
Kasino di resor terpadu ini memang sengaja didirikan dengan mengambil pangsa para pejudi di kawasan Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia. “Indonesia termasuk dalam tiga negara yang masyarakatnya paling banyak bermain judi, setelah warga Singapura sendiri dan Malaysia,” kata Presiden and Chief Operating Officer Las Vegas Sand Corp, Michael Leven. Las Vegas sands adalah pemilik kasino terbesar di Las Vegas sekaligus pemilik Marina Bay sands. Bisa dibayangkan jutaan dolar yang seharusnya masuk ke Indonesia menjadi devisa negara raib di meja Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat dan Sic Bo. cerita-cerita kemenangan atau kekalahan orang-orang Indonesia di kasino Pulau Sentosa, dan Marina Bay Sands buah bibir di Singapura.
Tak terasa setelah 20 menit. taksipun berhenti di depan Tower Satu Marina Bay Sands, tempat 1000 wartawan dari seluruh dunia menginap. Cerita sang sopir taksi ini membelokan langkah kakiku ke gedung Marina Ekspo diselah tower satu tempat kasino berlantai empat berada. Rasa ingin tahu mengenai kasino mengurung keinginan ku memasuki kamar hotel. Benar saja baru saja saya menuruni eskalator setelah melalui pemeriksaan security, teriakan kemenangan dari salah satu pejudi di meja sic po terdengar keras dalam logat jawa yang sangat kental. “Malam ini banyak meja judi sic po dipenuhi orang Indonesia,” kata teman wartawan yang terlebih dulu sampai. melihat permainan sic po, mirip dengan judi koprok yang kerap ditemui di pasar atau di terminal.
Terhadap judi pemerintah Singapura telah mengeluarkan regulasi untuk melindungi warganya. Diantaranya dengan mengenakan biaya 100 dolar Singapura jika masuk ke setiap kasino di negeri singa ini. Tak hanya itu setiap keluarga bisa memberikan surat pernyataan guna melarang salah seorang keluarganya memasuki kasino. Surat tersebut bisa di buat oleh istri untuik mencegah suaminya masuk ke kasino atau sebaliknya. kasino wajib membuat daftar hitam guna berdasarkan surat tersebut yang telah dilegalisasi oleh polisi.
Bisa dibayangkan berapa juta dolar Singapura uang yang seharusnya masuk ke Indonesia menjadi devisa beredar di meja-meja judi. Lebih sedih lagi resor terpadu seluas 15,5 hektar berdiri diatas tanah hasil reklamasi pemerintah Singapura yang menggunakan pasir dari Indonesia. akibat pengambilan pasir untuk reklamasi beberapa pulau di kepualaun Riau tenggelam.
Sementara TKI yang jelas-jelas membawa pulang devisa negara hingga truliunan rupiah, kerap tidak mendapatkan perlakuan yang manusiawi jika sampai di bandara. Tak hanya judi, Singapura juga menjadi surganya berlindung para koruptor dan pengemplang BLBI. Semoga semua ini bisa menjadi bahan perenungan kita semua.
Internet Sehat Bikin Hebat
Siapa yang tidak kenal internet di jaman sekarang? Internet jaman sekarang bagaikan makanan. menjadi sebuah kebutuhan sehari-hari, bukan hanya menjadi suatu kewajiban. Bahkan kita dapat menciptakan komunitas Blog di internet..
Tapi tahukah anda, bahwa banyak diantara kita yang tidak pernah menggunakan internet secara bijak bahkan menjadi korban dari penggunaan internet. Ya diantara kita bukan menjadi raja atas komsumsi internet tapi menjadi budak dari sebuah addicted dari komsumsi nge-net.
Ya, secara tanpa sadar, kita telah memperbudak diri pada "thagut" baru bernama internet.
Maka, dari itu hendaknya kita semua perlu menggunakan langkah2 yang biasanya dikenal dengan istilah internet sehat.
Langkah - langkah itu antara lain :
1. Sebelum memulai untuk bersurfing di internet (di rumah atau di warnet atau di kantor), ingatlah apa-apa yang hendak dikerjakan di internet. Tentukan berapa jam anda ingin main, dan situs mana yang harus anda buka. Ingat, internet itu adalah candu bagaikan rokok. anda akan terbengong-bengong di depan layar PC karena anda menyukai keindahan internet.
2. Jangan pernah membuka situs-situs yang aneh-aneh. Selain baik utk kesehatan fisik, mental,rohani juga tidak membahayakan komputer anda (jika main di rumah), karena biasanya situs yang aneh-aneh mengandung banyak virus berbahaya.
3. Usahakan menginstall software yang mampu memfilter situs-situs aneh (direkomendasikan utk para orang tua yang komputernya dipakai oeh si buah hati)
4. Jangan mudah percaya pada orang-orang di dunia maya(tidak percaya bukan berarti curiga tapi waspada). Alangkah baiknya jika data2 pribadi anda tidak pernah ditayangkan di dunia maya.
Mungkin itu saya tips2nya, bisa juga ada tips2 lain.
5. Dengan membuat Blog di internet adalah salah satu kreatifitas terarah untuk menciptakan kehebatan dalam ber' internet.
Sekarang setiap orang bisa membuat blog . Mengisi blog sendiri adalah salah satu kesempatan emas untuk berlatih meningkatkan ketrampilan menulis dengan rapi sesuai dengan kaidah tata bahasa. Di blog, kita juga bisa mengembangkan kemampuan menyampaikan pendapat kita dalam tulisan yang elegan dan menarik.
Belakangan ini saya sering menghabiskan waktu untuk mengamati komentar yaang ditulis para netter, baik di blog maupun di situs berita seperti detik.com . Saya ingin tahu, seberapa jauh internet telah membantu kita mengembangkan ketrampilan yang dulu tidak diberikan di sekolah. Ternyata banyak juga komentar yang bermutu, yang disusun berdasarkan pemikiran yang runut. Namun, lebih banyak lagi komentar yang mencerminkan betapa penulisnya sebenarnya ingin tampil dan urun pendapat, tetapi tidak mempunyai kemampuan menulis.
Di salah satu milis alumni yang saya ikuti, anggota yang mampu menulis sangatlah terbatas jumlahnya. Akibatnya, yang mengisi hanyalah orang-orang yang sama. Padahal, milis juga memberikan kesempatan bagi semua anggota untuk menulis.
Ada yang mengatakan baha ketrampilan menulis dengan jelas adalah salah satu ketrampilan terpenting di era informasi dan pengetahuan ini. Saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat ini.
Berkembangnya blog dan situs-situs social networking menawarkan kesempatan sangat luas bagi siapa saja untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mereka menulis. Sayang sekali kalau kesempatan ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk memperkuat keunggulan kompetitif kita dalam menggunakan bahasa, baik dalam menulis artikel, berkomunikasi dengan email, atau hal-hal lain yang nmenggunakan bahasa.
Mari kita budayakan ber' internet sehat dan bikin hebat mulai dari diri sendiri, lingkungan sendiri dan kemudian menyebar ke orang lain.
Quds Force
Post by
Adalah Quds Force, yang disinyalir negara-negara Barat (khususnya AS) sebagai kelompok yang membiayai aksi teror di berbagai belahan dunia. Gerakan kelompok ini disebut-sebut jauh sebelum al Qaidah menjadi populer sekarang ini.Tidak hanya itu, Quds Force juga dituduh berada di balik kelompok-kelompok subversif (anti AS) di berbagai kawasan, Amerika Latin maupun Timur Tengah.
Sinyalemen itu disampaikan pihak AS berdasarkan laporan mengenai keberadaan kelompok itu di Venezuela dan Iraq. Menurut laporan itu, jika ada intervensi AS di suatu kawasan, maka intensitas konflik di kawasan itu semakin tinggi. Quds Force, mendukung kelompok pemberontak/penentang, secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Siapakah Quds Force? Pihak AS menyebutkan kelompok ini adalah bagian dari operasi intelijen militer Iran. Dan tanpa tedeng aling-aling, pihak Iran mengamini Quds Force adalah pasukan khusus miliknya yang mampu beroperasi di belahan dunia manapun.
Quds Force adalah pasukan khusus Angkatan Darat Garda Revolusi Iran. Pasukan ini digambarkan sebagai pembawa pesan revolusi Islam Iran yang bertanggung jawab untuk operasi ekstrateritorial Garda Revolusi.
Menurut media massa Mesir, Al Ahram, Quds Force dibentuk oleh Presiden Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Meski demikian, cikal bakal pasukan khusus ini telah ada ketika perang Irak-Iran berlangsung sebagai unit khusus pengamanan perbatasan Garda Revolusi. Misi utamanya, mengorganisir, melatih dan melengkapi pejuang Kurdi di Utara Irak.
Unit khusus tersebut juga beroperasi membantu Ahmed Syah Massoud, sekutu Iran di bagian Utara dalam melawan Uni Soviet di Afghanistan dan perang melawan Taliban. Juga membantu kelompok Muslim Bosnia melawan Serbia selama berlangsung perang Yugoslavia.
Dari beberapa dokumen yang tersebar, Quds Force memiliki misi utama mengorganisir, melatih, mempersenjatai dan membiayai Revolusi Islam di luar negeri. Pasukan khusus Iran ini menjalin hubungan dengan kelompok Islam radikal bawah tanah di seluruh dunia.
Komando yang diberikan adalah melakukan operasi intelijen luar negeri dan menjadi unit sabotase.
Meski beberapa dokumen sudah tersebar, tapi informasi Quds Force tetaplah sedikit, salah satunya terkait jumlah pasti personilnya. Diperkirakan, pada 2007 personilnya mencapai 15 ribu orang, terdiri dari 800 personil inti dan sisanya anggota biasa. Informasi lain bahkan menyebutkan personil Quds Force mencapai 50 rubu orang di seluruh dunia.
Perlu diketahui, personil Quds Force bukanlah dari militer saja, tetapi juga warga sipil. Hal ini membuat pasukan khusus Iran ini layaknya gabungan NSA, CIA, SEALS dan pasukan khusus lainnya.
Sinyalemen itu disampaikan pihak AS berdasarkan laporan mengenai keberadaan kelompok itu di Venezuela dan Iraq. Menurut laporan itu, jika ada intervensi AS di suatu kawasan, maka intensitas konflik di kawasan itu semakin tinggi. Quds Force, mendukung kelompok pemberontak/penentang, secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Siapakah Quds Force? Pihak AS menyebutkan kelompok ini adalah bagian dari operasi intelijen militer Iran. Dan tanpa tedeng aling-aling, pihak Iran mengamini Quds Force adalah pasukan khusus miliknya yang mampu beroperasi di belahan dunia manapun.
Quds Force adalah pasukan khusus Angkatan Darat Garda Revolusi Iran. Pasukan ini digambarkan sebagai pembawa pesan revolusi Islam Iran yang bertanggung jawab untuk operasi ekstrateritorial Garda Revolusi.
Menurut media massa Mesir, Al Ahram, Quds Force dibentuk oleh Presiden Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Meski demikian, cikal bakal pasukan khusus ini telah ada ketika perang Irak-Iran berlangsung sebagai unit khusus pengamanan perbatasan Garda Revolusi. Misi utamanya, mengorganisir, melatih dan melengkapi pejuang Kurdi di Utara Irak.
Unit khusus tersebut juga beroperasi membantu Ahmed Syah Massoud, sekutu Iran di bagian Utara dalam melawan Uni Soviet di Afghanistan dan perang melawan Taliban. Juga membantu kelompok Muslim Bosnia melawan Serbia selama berlangsung perang Yugoslavia.
Dari beberapa dokumen yang tersebar, Quds Force memiliki misi utama mengorganisir, melatih, mempersenjatai dan membiayai Revolusi Islam di luar negeri. Pasukan khusus Iran ini menjalin hubungan dengan kelompok Islam radikal bawah tanah di seluruh dunia.
Komando yang diberikan adalah melakukan operasi intelijen luar negeri dan menjadi unit sabotase.
Meski beberapa dokumen sudah tersebar, tapi informasi Quds Force tetaplah sedikit, salah satunya terkait jumlah pasti personilnya. Diperkirakan, pada 2007 personilnya mencapai 15 ribu orang, terdiri dari 800 personil inti dan sisanya anggota biasa. Informasi lain bahkan menyebutkan personil Quds Force mencapai 50 rubu orang di seluruh dunia.
Perlu diketahui, personil Quds Force bukanlah dari militer saja, tetapi juga warga sipil. Hal ini membuat pasukan khusus Iran ini layaknya gabungan NSA, CIA, SEALS dan pasukan khusus lainnya.
Teknologi Nirkabel ada manfaatnya
Kenyataan bahwa era globalisasi membuat jarak antara suatu daerah dengan daerah lainnya seolah kabur bahkan tak berjarak lagi serta berimplikasi pada semakin meningkatnya arus informasi yang beredar antar sosial seakan tak bisa terbantahkan lagi. Hal ini tak luput dari peranan teknologi telekomunikasi nirkabel yang merangsang penyebaran informasi ke berbagai lapisan dan ponsel/handphone merupakan salah satu teknologi telekomunikasi yang tak asing lagi di tengah masyarakat serta kerap mengubah peta industri telekomunikasi secara radikal.
Dampak kehadiran telepon genggam pada negara-negara berkembang sama revolusionernya dengan dampak adanya jalan raya, rel kereta api dan pelabuhan, sehingga mempererat kesatuan sosial dan mendorong bangkitnya semangat wirausaha yang merangsang kegiatan perdagangan dan membuka lapangan kerja. Telepon genggam semakin diakui sebagai alat yang sangat berguna dalam upaya mengentas kemiskinan, karena alat ini memotong biaya transaksi, memfasilitasi kegiatan wirausaha dan mampu menggantikan sistem transportasi dan pos-pos yang lamban serta tidak dapat diandalkan.
Peran Information Communication Technology (ICT) telah menjadi semakin penting, bukan hanya sebagai media komunikasi, namun juga sebagai faktor penunjang pembangunan, dan sebagai perangkat untuk mencapai sasaran-sasaran dan tujuan-tujuan pembangunan yang telah disepakati secara internasional, termasuk Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). PBB telah menetapkan sasaran sebesar 50 persen dari penduduk dunia telah memiliki akses kepada jaringan telepon seluler pada tahun 2015. Selain itu, Bank Dunia jug mencatat 77 persen dari penduduk dunia telah masuk dalam cakupan jaringan seluler. Peningkatan sebesar 1 persen dalam penetrasi telepon seluler di sejumlah negara berkembang berkorelasi dengan peningkatan penghasilan per kapita rata-rata sebesar 4,7 persen. Menariknya lagi data yang menunjukkan peningkatan sebesar 1 persen dalam penetrasi seluler di negara-negara berkembang berkaitan dengan peningkatan penghasilan per kapita rata-rata sebesar 10,5 persen.
Melihat populasi penduduk Indonesia yang merupakan nomor lima terbesar di dunia dan mengingat kondisi geografis Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan maka dapat dipastikan bahwa kebutuhan akan media teknologi komunikasi informasi (ICT=Information Communication Technology) yang handal menjadi sebuah kemutlakan yang tidak bisa ditawar-tawar lagi. Dan untuk itu sudah menjadi kewenangan dan tugas para pengambil kebijakan bidang teknologi informasi di negeri ini untuk mulai memikirkan bagaimana mengakselerasikan kemampuan penguasaan teknologi masyarakat kita dibidang teknologi komunikasi informasi yang sudah pasti akan sangat bermanfaat bagi perkembangan pembangunan bangsa dan negara ini kedepan.
Namun, jika melihat kondisi nyata campurtangan pemerintah dalam pengembangan teknologi komunikasi informasi di Indonesia, maka sangatlah disayangkan bahwa perkembangan kemajuan teknologi komunikasi di negara kita ini masih sangat jauh dari yang diharapkan. Masih banyak dibutuhkan pengembangan infrastruktur teknologi komunikasi informasi yang entah mengapa dinegara kita ini bagaikan barang yang sangat mewah sehingga hanya kalangan menengah keatas saja yang dapat menjangkaunya. Kenyataan mahalnya biaya akses internet dan pengadaan fasilitas teknologi komunikasi informasi dapat dilihat dari demikian mahalnya biaya-biaya proyek pengembangan system informasi untuk berbagai aktivitas dan keperluan baik untuk kepentingan dunia usaha maupun pemerintah.
Namun demikian menilik pada kemutlakan akan kebutuhan dan manfaat teknologi komunikasi informasi bagi negara kita, maka mau tidak mau meskipun mahal harus diupayakan jalan keluar untuk mengakselerasikan pengetahuan masyarakat Indonesia di bidang teknologi komunikasi informasi dengan meningkatkan keberadaan infrastruktural dan suprastruktural teknologi komunikasi informasi di Indonesia.
Peluang Industri Seluler di Indonesia
Industri seluler memang begitu menjanjikan. Bukti dari kehadiran perangkatnya telah mencengangkan. Kalau tahun 2000, jumlah pemakai telepon seluler (ponsel) hanya 3,7 juta dan akhir 2004 membengkak lagi hingga sekitar 30 juta, dan pada tahun 2008 telah mencapai lebih dari 100 juta orang atau hampir setengah dari jumlah populasi di Indonesia. Itu pun baru pelanggan seluler yang diperoleh dari tiga operator terbesar, di Indonesia. Belum termasuk pelanggan operator yang beroperasi dengan basis teknologi Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
Salah salah satu penyebab peluang besar industri seluler ini tetap terbuka dikarenakan Deployment (penyebaran) ponsel sangat sederhana dan lebih murah dibandingkan PSTN yang membutuhkan modal besar untuk menggelar jaringan fixed line dan cenderung memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Selain itu, kebijakan liberalisasi dan kompetisi bagi telekomunikasi dari pemerintah yang menyesuaikan hasil kajian OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation Development) menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan tersebut telah memicu terjadinya penurunan tarif dan peningkatan kualitas layanan secara berkala di beberapa negara-negara maju, seperti Jepang, Australia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris, dan Perancis. Hal ini juga berdampak pada perluasan jaringan seluler di Indonesia.
Perkembangan telekomunikasi seluler berkontribusi dalam menciptakan multiplier effect terhadap laju pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah tak bisa terbantahkan lagi. Bahkan secara nasional memberi pengaruh yang signifikan. Menurut hasil studi International Telecommunication Union (ITU) menegaskan bahwa penambahan fasilitas telekomunikasi sebesar 1 (satu) persen akan merangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi hingga tiga persen.
Dengan kata lain, suatu daerah akan tumbuh dengan cepat secara ekonomi apabila jaringan telekomunikasi telah masuk ke daerah tersebut, sebab hasil industri yang telah dihasilkan dapat dengan mudah dipasarkan karena adanya jalur yang terhubung antara produksi dan pasar melalui jaringan tersebut. Selanjutnya, kehadiran bisnis industri seluler pada daerah berdampak terhadap rencana peningkatan perekonomian daerah itu sendiri. Dimana kondisi daerah saat ini lagi giat-giatnya untuk melakukan upaya esktensifikasi atau perluasan-perluasan jenis pendapatannya baik sektor pajak, retribusi, bagi hasil dan sebagainya. Untuk itu, keterbukaan setiap daerah mulai dari tingkat pemerintah provinsi sampai daerah kabupaten/kota adalah hal yang sangat diperlukan.
Menariknya lagi, dalam perkembangan industri seluler itu sendiri, menawarkan banyak peluang investasi mulai dari layanan dengan akses yang begitu luas, baik aplikasi teknologi dan informasi (IT) pengembangan layanan seperti dengan aplikasi layanan M-Banking, Wimax for ATM, serta Mobile EDC (electronic data capture), dan banyak lainnya. Tak ayal lagi, diiringi dengan membaiknya pertumbuhan ekonomi setiap daerah dan ditambah dengan adanya payung khusus pada daerah tingkat provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota, maka akan melahirkan kemudahan bagi para operator seluler untuk berekspansi dengan investasinya di hampir semua kabupaten, kota, kecamatan hingga sampai ke desa-desa.
Dan hal tersebut telah dibuktikan selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini menjadi kenyataan, ini ditandai dengan pembangunan infrastruktur, berupa Base Transmission Service (BTS) dan prasarana telekomunikasi seluler lainnya. Untuk saat ini, layanan seluler hampir merata dijangkau di setiap kabupaten/kota yang ada. Namun, masih banyak juga desa-desa terpencil di Indonesia yang belum memiliki prasarana telekomunikasi seluler. Ini menjadi tugas berat pemerintah dan pihak berkompenten (Operator) untuk menjangkau wilayah terisolir guna memperluas fasilitas komunikasi nirkabel itu dalam rangka percepatan pembangunan sampai ke pelosok-pelosok. Disebabkan bahwa telepon seluler (komunikasi) saat ini merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat mendasar bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang berjumlah 240 juta jiwa.
Belajar pada Negera Cina
Indonesia harus belajar banyak kepada Cina soal perluasan fasilitas komunikasi nirkabel. Karena Cina telah berhasil melaksanakan program memperluas jangkauan fasilitas komunikasi nirkabel dalam rangka percepatan pembangunan sampai ke wilayah terisolir. Seperti yang kita ketahui Cina adalah pasar seluler terbesar di dunia dengan jumlah pelanggan sebanyak 502 juta jiwa sesuai laporan per Juni 2007 oleh Kementerian Industri Informasi (MII). Namun kesenjangan kesejahteraan dan konektivitas nirkabel antara kota-kota di pesisir timur dengan daerah pedalaman di belahan barat Cina cukup signifikan.
Bahkan menurut laporan MII, penetrasi ponsel di Cina masih di bawah 40 persen, meski di sejumlah kawasan perkotaan mencapai 90 persen. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, Cina melaksanakan Proyek yang bernama Wireless Reach, program ini bertujuan memanfaatkan kecanggihan teknologi nirkabel agar memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pembangunan jangka panjang dan kesinambungan masyarakat terbelakang di tiga propinsi di barat Cina, yaitu: Shaanxi, Guizhou dan Ningxia. Bekerja sama dengan China Unicom dan sebuah lembaga swadaya masyarakat internasional, PlaNet Finance, Qualcomm menyumbang 2.000 ponsel CDMA2000 berikut kartu pra-bayar dan voucher isi ulang bulanan (berlaku hingga dua tahun) sumbangan China Unicom.
Ponsel tersebut diberikan kepada jaringan pekerja keuangan mikro dan penerima pinjaman dari PlaNet Finance. Prakarsa itu meningkatkan kesuksesan program PlaNet Finance karena para wirausahawan mendapat kesempatan untuk memanfaatkan komunikasi seluler. Penerima ponsel tersebut adalah petugas penyalur pinjaman keuangan mikro atau kreditor dengan catatan kinerja baik dan teratur mengikuti program-program pelatihan PlaNet Finance. Voucher layanan dari China Unicom mencakup layanan SMS mingguan, yang memungkinkan PlaNet Finance memberi informasi tentang harga dan pinjaman kepada para mitra dan penerima pinjaman. Ponsel CDMA2000 sumbangan itu juga memperluas akses penerimanya pada pasar, hingga tidak perlu lagi melakukan perjalanan yang memakan waktu dan memudahkan menerima pinjaman keuangan mikro.
Program Wireless Reach yang ada di Cina adalah sepenggal kesuksesan Cina dalam memperluas jaringan telekomunikasi nirkabel sampai ke daerah terisolir serta memperluas manfaat telekomunikasi nirkabel bagi masyarakatnya. Mudah-mudahan belajaran yang baik dari Cina maupun negara lain bisa menjadi bahan dan pelajaran bagi bangsa ini untuk terus membenahi persoalan telekomunikasi di Indonesia.
Indonesia Tinggal Sejarah, Akankah?
Di era kebebasan ini jutaan mata insan indonesia seolah tak bisa lepas dari kotak ajaib berukuran 14 inchi. Mereka begitu terpesona dengan bejibun program televisi yang tak jelas arah dan tujuannya. Mulai dari balita hingga manula asyik bercengkrama menghabiskan waktu hingga tak terasa.
Namun sangat disayangkan semakin lama bercengkrama dengan kotak ajaib tersebut, insan indonesia seolah menjauh dari arti insan sejati. Kini mulai dari pergaulan bebas, narkoba, hingga penghilangan nyawa seolah biasa saja. Bahkan yg lebih tragis insan indonesia seolah nampak bak bin*tang yg hanya mengumbar perut dan yang di bawah perut.
Padahal kita diberikan lebih dari itu oleh yg Maha Kuasa, mulai dari kemampuan berfikir hingga kemampuan tuk merespon petunjuk yg tertulis di dalam diri maupun yg tersurat di dalam alam. Namun apa lacur semua itu seolah lenyap begitu saja tertelan perputaran zaman.
Jika kondisi ini tidak berubah, maka hari esok indonesia hanyalah sebuah nama dalam sejarah, benarkah?
Namun sangat disayangkan semakin lama bercengkrama dengan kotak ajaib tersebut, insan indonesia seolah menjauh dari arti insan sejati. Kini mulai dari pergaulan bebas, narkoba, hingga penghilangan nyawa seolah biasa saja. Bahkan yg lebih tragis insan indonesia seolah nampak bak bin*tang yg hanya mengumbar perut dan yang di bawah perut.
Padahal kita diberikan lebih dari itu oleh yg Maha Kuasa, mulai dari kemampuan berfikir hingga kemampuan tuk merespon petunjuk yg tertulis di dalam diri maupun yg tersurat di dalam alam. Namun apa lacur semua itu seolah lenyap begitu saja tertelan perputaran zaman.
Jika kondisi ini tidak berubah, maka hari esok indonesia hanyalah sebuah nama dalam sejarah, benarkah?
Rahasia Di Balik Uang Dollar Amerika
Pada postingan kali ini saya akan sedikit menjelaskan tentang konspirasi (atau lebih tepatnya pesan terselubung) yang terdapat pada mata uang Amerika Serikat. Data ini dibuat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan dengan fakta kenyataan yang terjadi di dunia ini.
Sekarang kita kembali ke tragedi 911 (September 11) dimana gedung kembar WTC di New York runtuh ditabrak oleh dua buah pesawat, dan markas pertahanan keamanan militer Amerika, Pentagon juga rusak ditabrak pesawat. Tapi benarkah begitu? Begitu mudahnya bangunan-bangunan kokoh berkonstruksi baja itu dapat tumbang? Memang ada perhitungan teori fisika yang membuat hal itu mustahil terjadi. Tapi saya tidak akan menjelaskan hal itu saat ini. Sekarang kita bahas saja hal yang lebih tidak masuk akal daripada itu.
Amerika Serikat berdiri kurang lebih 450 tahun yang lalu. Dimana saat itu ditetapkannya pula mata uang Amerika Serikat yang berwarna hijau itu. Dan sejak 450 tahun yang lalu pula mata uang Amerika tidak pernah direvisi.
Sekarang coba kita telaah mata uang yang sejak 450 tahun yang lalu itu belum berubah bentuknya.
Dimulai dari uang 20 Dolar.
Ini uang 20 Dolar Amerika.
Sekarang kita coba lipat. (Ingat bahwa mata uang ini belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu)
(Kalau ada yang membawa uang 20 Dolar Amerika, boleh dicoba.)Sekarang kita coba lipat lagi. (Sekali lagi saya ingatkan bahwa mata uang ini belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu.)
Sekarang kita lipat lagi seperti ini. (Kita bukan sedang belajar membuat origami ya!)
Kalau sudah…sekarang lipat lagi seperti dibawah ini, dan lihat hasilnya..maksudnya lihat gambar yang dilingkari ini.
Nah loh! Apakah itu??
Itu adalah gambar Pentagon setelah ditabrak pesawat. Lihat gambar gedung yang berasap itu!Kalau masih belum percaya, akan saya perjelas lagi.
Nah! Sama kan??
Untuk kali ini terbukti bahwa uang 20 Dolar Amerika menyimpan rahasia tentang konspirasi
penghancuran Pentagon. (oleh siapa? Mata uang ini kan punya Amerika sendiri??)
(Sekali lagi saya ingatkan bahwa mata uang ini belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu)
Cukup untuk pesan terselubung Pentagonnya. Sekarang kita ke New York dengan 20 Dolar yang
setengah kusut ini, untuk melihat ada apa di sana.
Masih di 20 Dolar Amerika yang belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu.
Sekarang kita pakai sisi lain dari uang 20 Dolar ini.
Langsung saja lipat seperti gambar di bawah ya! (Ikuti instruksi!)
Langsung saja kita lihat hasil karya lipatan kita…Nah loh! Kok begini???
Sepertinya saya kenal gedung itu!
Ya, benar sekali…itu adalah gedung kembar WTC New York yang sekarang tinggal kenangan itu.
Masih belum percaya?? Lihat ini!
(Ingat bahwa mata uang ini belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu)
Bagian sebelah kiri ditabrak oleh Flight 175 dari United Airlines yang meluncur dari sebelah kanan
gedung. Sementara bagian sebelah kanan ditabrak oleh Flight 11 yang dimiliki American Airlines
yang meluncur dari sebelah kiri. Lihat tulisan di kanan dan di kiri uang, yang lengkapnya adalah
The United State of America. (Lho? Memangnya 450 tahun yang lalu kedua perusahaan
penerbangan itu sudah ada? Jawabannya, tentu saja belum. Bahkan ke 2 gedung itu -pentagon
dan WTC- bahkan belum dibangun.)
Sekarang kita bahas bagian yang paling aneh dari 20 Dolar kita ini.
Lihat baik-baik gambar ini!
Nah loh! Sudahkan 450 tahun yang lalu OSAMA BIN LADEN lahir??
(Jangankan OSAMA, Buyutnya Kakek Buyutnya saja belum lahir.)
Untuk rahasia dibalik 20 Dolar ini, bisa ditemukannya dari kode :
911 (September 11) >> 9 + 11 = 20
Jadinya 20 Dolar!
Cukup untuk 20 Dolar, karena sudah kusut kita lipat-lipat sekarang kita tukarkan uangnya dengan
sebuah 5 Dolar dan sebuah 10 Dolar. Lihat ini!
Dalam 5 Dolar Amerika yang belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu juga terdapat
rahasia penghancuran WTC New York.
Sekarang kita lihat uang 10 Dolar kita!
Gedung pertama WTC yang sudah berasap.
Belum puas?? Lagi??
Sekarang kita pinjam uang 50 Dolar dari tetangga saya.
Ini WTC saat bangunannya runtuh.
Mau lagi?? Kita pinjam lagi 100 Dolar sama tetangga saya yang tadi.
Lho?? Apa ini??
Ini asap gambar asap dari WTC yang telah runtuh.
Detail sekali mereka membuat pesan terselubung ini!
Sampai-sampai gambar asapnya saja tidak lupa dibuat.
Sudah cukup melipat-lipatnya, kalau terlalu kusut nilai dolar yang kita punya jatuh.
Tahukah kamu siapa yang membuat pesan terselubung ini???
Jawabannya ada di uang 1 Dolar! (Lagi-lagi uang!)
Lihat ini!!
Coba lihat 2 lambang yang ada di dalam 2 lingkaran itu!!
Nah loh!!! Ini lambang ILLUMINATI, yaitu organisasi super rahasia milik YAHUDI.
Lihat lambang MATA HORUS dan TULISAN “NOVUS ORDO SECLOHUM” yang artinya “NEW
Nah loh!! Mau di jadikan apa kita sama orang-orang ZIONIS Yahudi itu??
Terus lihat yang ini!! Lambang bintang-bintang yang ada di atas kepala burung itu!
Bintang-bintang itu membentuk suatu lambang, yaitu lambang “DAVID STAR” lambang kebanggaan YAHUDI.
Oh iya, untuk diketahui nomor pesawat Flight 11 yang menabrak WTC adalah :
Coba di copy paste nomor ini ke OFFICE WORD dan diblok lalu ubah font-nya ke wingdings.
Nanti hasilnya seperti ini…
Anda tahu, lambang apakah ini???
Sekarang kita kembali ke tragedi 911 (September 11) dimana gedung kembar WTC di New York runtuh ditabrak oleh dua buah pesawat, dan markas pertahanan keamanan militer Amerika, Pentagon juga rusak ditabrak pesawat. Tapi benarkah begitu? Begitu mudahnya bangunan-bangunan kokoh berkonstruksi baja itu dapat tumbang? Memang ada perhitungan teori fisika yang membuat hal itu mustahil terjadi. Tapi saya tidak akan menjelaskan hal itu saat ini. Sekarang kita bahas saja hal yang lebih tidak masuk akal daripada itu.
Amerika Serikat berdiri kurang lebih 450 tahun yang lalu. Dimana saat itu ditetapkannya pula mata uang Amerika Serikat yang berwarna hijau itu. Dan sejak 450 tahun yang lalu pula mata uang Amerika tidak pernah direvisi.
Sekarang coba kita telaah mata uang yang sejak 450 tahun yang lalu itu belum berubah bentuknya.
Dimulai dari uang 20 Dolar.
Ini uang 20 Dolar Amerika.
Sekarang kita coba lipat. (Ingat bahwa mata uang ini belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu)
(Kalau ada yang membawa uang 20 Dolar Amerika, boleh dicoba.)Sekarang kita coba lipat lagi. (Sekali lagi saya ingatkan bahwa mata uang ini belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu.)
Sekarang kita lipat lagi seperti ini. (Kita bukan sedang belajar membuat origami ya!)
Kalau sudah…sekarang lipat lagi seperti dibawah ini, dan lihat hasilnya..maksudnya lihat gambar yang dilingkari ini.
Nah loh! Apakah itu??
Itu adalah gambar Pentagon setelah ditabrak pesawat. Lihat gambar gedung yang berasap itu!Kalau masih belum percaya, akan saya perjelas lagi.
Nah! Sama kan??
Untuk kali ini terbukti bahwa uang 20 Dolar Amerika menyimpan rahasia tentang konspirasi
penghancuran Pentagon. (oleh siapa? Mata uang ini kan punya Amerika sendiri??)
(Sekali lagi saya ingatkan bahwa mata uang ini belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu)
Cukup untuk pesan terselubung Pentagonnya. Sekarang kita ke New York dengan 20 Dolar yang
setengah kusut ini, untuk melihat ada apa di sana.
Masih di 20 Dolar Amerika yang belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu.
Sekarang kita pakai sisi lain dari uang 20 Dolar ini.
Langsung saja lipat seperti gambar di bawah ya! (Ikuti instruksi!)
Langsung saja kita lihat hasil karya lipatan kita…Nah loh! Kok begini???
Sepertinya saya kenal gedung itu!
Ya, benar sekali…itu adalah gedung kembar WTC New York yang sekarang tinggal kenangan itu.
Masih belum percaya?? Lihat ini!
(Ingat bahwa mata uang ini belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu)
Bagian sebelah kiri ditabrak oleh Flight 175 dari United Airlines yang meluncur dari sebelah kanan
gedung. Sementara bagian sebelah kanan ditabrak oleh Flight 11 yang dimiliki American Airlines
yang meluncur dari sebelah kiri. Lihat tulisan di kanan dan di kiri uang, yang lengkapnya adalah
The United State of America. (Lho? Memangnya 450 tahun yang lalu kedua perusahaan
penerbangan itu sudah ada? Jawabannya, tentu saja belum. Bahkan ke 2 gedung itu -pentagon
dan WTC- bahkan belum dibangun.)
Sekarang kita bahas bagian yang paling aneh dari 20 Dolar kita ini.
Lihat baik-baik gambar ini!
Nah loh! Sudahkan 450 tahun yang lalu OSAMA BIN LADEN lahir??
(Jangankan OSAMA, Buyutnya Kakek Buyutnya saja belum lahir.)
Untuk rahasia dibalik 20 Dolar ini, bisa ditemukannya dari kode :
911 (September 11) >> 9 + 11 = 20
Jadinya 20 Dolar!
Cukup untuk 20 Dolar, karena sudah kusut kita lipat-lipat sekarang kita tukarkan uangnya dengan
sebuah 5 Dolar dan sebuah 10 Dolar. Lihat ini!
Dalam 5 Dolar Amerika yang belum pernah dirubah sejak 450 tahun yang lalu juga terdapat
rahasia penghancuran WTC New York.
Sekarang kita lihat uang 10 Dolar kita!
Gedung pertama WTC yang sudah berasap.
Belum puas?? Lagi??
Sekarang kita pinjam uang 50 Dolar dari tetangga saya.
Ini WTC saat bangunannya runtuh.
Mau lagi?? Kita pinjam lagi 100 Dolar sama tetangga saya yang tadi.
Lho?? Apa ini??
Ini asap gambar asap dari WTC yang telah runtuh.
Detail sekali mereka membuat pesan terselubung ini!
Sampai-sampai gambar asapnya saja tidak lupa dibuat.
Sudah cukup melipat-lipatnya, kalau terlalu kusut nilai dolar yang kita punya jatuh.
Tahukah kamu siapa yang membuat pesan terselubung ini???
Jawabannya ada di uang 1 Dolar! (Lagi-lagi uang!)
Lihat ini!!
Coba lihat 2 lambang yang ada di dalam 2 lingkaran itu!!
Nah loh!!! Ini lambang ILLUMINATI, yaitu organisasi super rahasia milik YAHUDI.
Lihat lambang MATA HORUS dan TULISAN “NOVUS ORDO SECLOHUM” yang artinya “NEW
Nah loh!! Mau di jadikan apa kita sama orang-orang ZIONIS Yahudi itu??
Terus lihat yang ini!! Lambang bintang-bintang yang ada di atas kepala burung itu!
Bintang-bintang itu membentuk suatu lambang, yaitu lambang “DAVID STAR” lambang kebanggaan YAHUDI.
Oh iya, untuk diketahui nomor pesawat Flight 11 yang menabrak WTC adalah :
Coba di copy paste nomor ini ke OFFICE WORD dan diblok lalu ubah font-nya ke wingdings.
Nanti hasilnya seperti ini…
Anda tahu, lambang apakah ini???
Conflicting views the norm
The apparent belligerence of Indonesia’s media in the recent spat over the alleged ‘encroachment’ in the Malacca Straits, has more to do with the culture of open and robust debate than actual hostility.
INDONESIAN TV news is not for the faint-hearted. Having spent a few hours last week in various studios, I can assure you that moments of extreme panic are interspersed by a sense of ridiculousness.
Last week, for example, as I struggled to explain on Metro TV “transgressions of sovereignty” in Bahasa Indonesia, the very nice gentlemen next to me sounded an impassioned call for war with Malaysia.
Needless to say, as someone who has argued for stronger Malaysia-Indonesia ties, the latest diplomatic spat has been dismaying.
It began when three Indonesian fisheries officers were detained by Malaysian police in August.
Initially, I had expected the matter to be settled amicably.
However, the timing was very unfortunate, coming just days before Indonesia’s Independence Day celebrations on Aug 17. Understandably perhaps, the republic’s media went into overdrive and the issue quickly gained momentum.
Public anger: Indonesians protesting in front of the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta on Aug 26. — AFP
In the ensuing controversy, some Indonesians became increasingly incensed at what was seen as a series of deliberate slights.
The first was the perceived “barter” transaction, that the Indonesian officers had been released in exchange for seven Malaysian fishermen who were detained earlier. Subsequently, it was further alleged that the detained Indonesian officials had been ill-treated.
In the following weeks, some Malaysian politicians unfortunately chose to adopt an aggressive tone (calling for the issuance of a travel advisory) just as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono seemed to step back from taking stern action.
Conversely, Malaysians were upset by the extremely provocative demonstrations outside our embassy in Jakarta, not to mention the apparent belligerence of Indonesia’s media.
Amid this highly volatile environment, I was invited to appear on a number of Indonesian TV talk shows.
In the past, I’ve tended to avoid getting involved in bilateral relations. I am not paid to intervene. I am neither a diplomat nor a politician. However, this time around, because of the total absence of Malaysian views in Jakarta, I felt I had to step into the debate and present a human face to who and what we are.
At the same time, friends in Jakarta-based media were desperately looking for a Malaysian (any Malaysian) who could provide an alternative perspective.
I have to confess that the experience was as challenging as it was enjoyable. It also revealed to me – yet again – the vastly different nature of political debate in our two countries. Moreover, this represents a fundamental challenge for our two countries as we move ahead.
Let me explain: in Indonesia there is public debate. It is open and it is robust. People are unafraid of criticising the president directly. In Malaysia, the mainstream media, in serving our leaders, often fail to protect and/or educate the public.
However, the Indonesian media is very diverse and multi-faceted. Indeed, there are marked differences between how Jakarta-based journalists think and react and those in the provinces.
Whatever the case, it is also an intensely competitive, individualistic environment. In short: You generalise at your peril.
For example: Metro TV’s Najwa Shihab was delightful and extremely gracious; Global TV’s Rosi Silalahi was razor-sharp and uncompromising. Meanwhile TVone’s Tina Talisa was indefatigable, button-holing Asean secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan as he happened to walk by during our interview set-up.
So what did I learn? Well, for starters, TV, especially live TV, is about human emotions. Yes, you must be clear in what you say, but the way you say it and the reactions from your fellow guests as well as the all-important interviewer are critical.
Second, you have to remain calm, however provocative or heated the discussion might get. Equanimity is critical.
Third, when you are in someone else’s country you have to pick your words very carefully; all the more so since you’ve still got to return to Kuala Lumpur at some stage where there’s less tolerance for critical views in the media.
Which brings me to the last point, namely, that the vastly different political cultures of our two countries will make a swift resolution of outstanding bilateral issues difficult if not impossible.
In Indonesia, the media mirrors the nation’s complexity. Conflicting views are the norm. TV anchors delight in baiting ministers and the powerful. Indeed, President Susilo has been very much under attack for his perceived softness in the face of Malaysian “arrogance”.
By way of comparison, in Malaysia, control and regimentation mean we often forgo our diversity in the quest for discipline.
Finally, it’s clear that while there is general unhappiness in Jakarta with Malaysia, the hostility of groups like Bendera, is more than matched by the general good sense of the Indonesian public.
Indeed, there were many sober voices in the various studios ranging from the straight-talking, former diplomat Hashim Djalal (father of presidential spokesman Dino Patti Djalal) and the Jakarta Post’s supremely eloquent editor, Mediyatama Suryodiningrat (better known as Pak Dymas).
Let’s hope that cooler heads will continue to prevail.
INDONESIAN TV news is not for the faint-hearted. Having spent a few hours last week in various studios, I can assure you that moments of extreme panic are interspersed by a sense of ridiculousness.
Last week, for example, as I struggled to explain on Metro TV “transgressions of sovereignty” in Bahasa Indonesia, the very nice gentlemen next to me sounded an impassioned call for war with Malaysia.
Needless to say, as someone who has argued for stronger Malaysia-Indonesia ties, the latest diplomatic spat has been dismaying.
It began when three Indonesian fisheries officers were detained by Malaysian police in August.
Initially, I had expected the matter to be settled amicably.
However, the timing was very unfortunate, coming just days before Indonesia’s Independence Day celebrations on Aug 17. Understandably perhaps, the republic’s media went into overdrive and the issue quickly gained momentum.
Public anger: Indonesians protesting in front of the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta on Aug 26. — AFP
In the ensuing controversy, some Indonesians became increasingly incensed at what was seen as a series of deliberate slights.
The first was the perceived “barter” transaction, that the Indonesian officers had been released in exchange for seven Malaysian fishermen who were detained earlier. Subsequently, it was further alleged that the detained Indonesian officials had been ill-treated.
In the following weeks, some Malaysian politicians unfortunately chose to adopt an aggressive tone (calling for the issuance of a travel advisory) just as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono seemed to step back from taking stern action.
Conversely, Malaysians were upset by the extremely provocative demonstrations outside our embassy in Jakarta, not to mention the apparent belligerence of Indonesia’s media.
Amid this highly volatile environment, I was invited to appear on a number of Indonesian TV talk shows.
In the past, I’ve tended to avoid getting involved in bilateral relations. I am not paid to intervene. I am neither a diplomat nor a politician. However, this time around, because of the total absence of Malaysian views in Jakarta, I felt I had to step into the debate and present a human face to who and what we are.
At the same time, friends in Jakarta-based media were desperately looking for a Malaysian (any Malaysian) who could provide an alternative perspective.
I have to confess that the experience was as challenging as it was enjoyable. It also revealed to me – yet again – the vastly different nature of political debate in our two countries. Moreover, this represents a fundamental challenge for our two countries as we move ahead.
Let me explain: in Indonesia there is public debate. It is open and it is robust. People are unafraid of criticising the president directly. In Malaysia, the mainstream media, in serving our leaders, often fail to protect and/or educate the public.
However, the Indonesian media is very diverse and multi-faceted. Indeed, there are marked differences between how Jakarta-based journalists think and react and those in the provinces.
Whatever the case, it is also an intensely competitive, individualistic environment. In short: You generalise at your peril.
For example: Metro TV’s Najwa Shihab was delightful and extremely gracious; Global TV’s Rosi Silalahi was razor-sharp and uncompromising. Meanwhile TVone’s Tina Talisa was indefatigable, button-holing Asean secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan as he happened to walk by during our interview set-up.
So what did I learn? Well, for starters, TV, especially live TV, is about human emotions. Yes, you must be clear in what you say, but the way you say it and the reactions from your fellow guests as well as the all-important interviewer are critical.
Second, you have to remain calm, however provocative or heated the discussion might get. Equanimity is critical.
Third, when you are in someone else’s country you have to pick your words very carefully; all the more so since you’ve still got to return to Kuala Lumpur at some stage where there’s less tolerance for critical views in the media.
Which brings me to the last point, namely, that the vastly different political cultures of our two countries will make a swift resolution of outstanding bilateral issues difficult if not impossible.
In Indonesia, the media mirrors the nation’s complexity. Conflicting views are the norm. TV anchors delight in baiting ministers and the powerful. Indeed, President Susilo has been very much under attack for his perceived softness in the face of Malaysian “arrogance”.
By way of comparison, in Malaysia, control and regimentation mean we often forgo our diversity in the quest for discipline.
Finally, it’s clear that while there is general unhappiness in Jakarta with Malaysia, the hostility of groups like Bendera, is more than matched by the general good sense of the Indonesian public.
Indeed, there were many sober voices in the various studios ranging from the straight-talking, former diplomat Hashim Djalal (father of presidential spokesman Dino Patti Djalal) and the Jakarta Post’s supremely eloquent editor, Mediyatama Suryodiningrat (better known as Pak Dymas).
Let’s hope that cooler heads will continue to prevail.
Indonesia-Malaysia dispute, history repeated
Nationalist leaders in Medan, Ramlan Rangkuti, said the feud between Indonesia and Malaysia, is a history that repeats, like a year from 1962 to 1966.
"That time, these two countries at odds to embed its dominance for the future of the island of Borneo," she called to alert Online, mini mala.
Ramlan explained, the historical confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia began from a desire to combine the neighbor country of Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak Tanah Melayu by the Guild in 1961. But desire is opposed by President Sukarno, who consider Malaysia as "puppets" of Britain. In 1961, Borneo was divided into four administrative.
"Kalimantan, an Indonesian province, located in south Kalimantan. In the north were the kingdom of Brunei and two British colonies, Sarawak and British North Borneo, later renamed Sabah, "he said.
As part of its withdrawal from its colonies in Southeast Asia, added Ramlan, the UK moved to combine its colonies on Borneo with Malaya to form Malaysia.
"The plan was opposed by the Indonesian government, was then president Sukarno argued that Malaysia was a British puppet, and the consolidation of Malaysia would increase British control in the region, thus threatening the independence of Indonesia," he explained.
At that time, continued Ramlan, in Brunei, North Borneo National Army (TNKU) began a rebellion on December 8, 1962. They try
"That time, these two countries at odds to embed its dominance for the future of the island of Borneo," she called to alert Online, mini mala.
Ramlan explained, the historical confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia began from a desire to combine the neighbor country of Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak Tanah Melayu by the Guild in 1961. But desire is opposed by President Sukarno, who consider Malaysia as "puppets" of Britain. In 1961, Borneo was divided into four administrative.
"Kalimantan, an Indonesian province, located in south Kalimantan. In the north were the kingdom of Brunei and two British colonies, Sarawak and British North Borneo, later renamed Sabah, "he said.
As part of its withdrawal from its colonies in Southeast Asia, added Ramlan, the UK moved to combine its colonies on Borneo with Malaya to form Malaysia.
"The plan was opposed by the Indonesian government, was then president Sukarno argued that Malaysia was a British puppet, and the consolidation of Malaysia would increase British control in the region, thus threatening the independence of Indonesia," he explained.
At that time, continued Ramlan, in Brunei, North Borneo National Army (TNKU) began a rebellion on December 8, 1962. They try
We're Not Free Press?
This year the World Press Freedom Day was celebrated. This is the 19th anniversary of the declaration of the reporters who posed in the City of Windhoek, Namibia. That is a statement about freedom of press as a major prerequisite woke up and maintaining the nation's democratic system and economic development.
The celebration which falls on May 3 this is an appropriate moment to discuss the condition of freedom of our press, which was released by the reform movement of the New Order regime pasungan nearly 12 years ago. This is the time to question: Has the reform gave birth to an independent and pluralist press in this country?
The answer of course vary, depending on the angle of view and the benchmark used. However, if international standards were used, our press was not entirely free. Reporters Sans Frontier, for example, put Indonesia in the ranks 101 out of 175 countries studied is a multinational non-profit organizations last year. This means that more countries are more free press from Indonesia (100) than the losing Smoking (74). This opinion is shared by Freedom House, which is headquartered at Columbia University, New York, United States, which categorizes the freedom of press in Indonesia as a "half free". Freedom House was only created three categories of the status of press freedom in various countries around the world: free, half free, and not free.
This third category is also applied to the results of annual surveys about the condition of the institute of political rights and civil rights around the world. The result was quite a relief. Since 2006 Indonesia has entered the category of "free", and with the deteriorating condition of democracy in the Philippines and Thailand-up category declined to state "half free" - Indonesia became the only ASEAN member-status "free."
Admittedly, the status of "free" from the sides of the political rights and civil rights but "half free" press freedom conditions are not necessarily ideal, has even entered the yellow light area. Because, guard the independence leader in the field of political rights and civil rights is an independent and diverse press. That is why efforts to make Indonesian press freedom really needs to be strengthened. Only when the national press to reach that condition, our democratic system is safe awake.
To achieve that ideal conditions, several obstacles must be overcome. Roumeen Islam, World Bank Institute researcher, who conducted a comparative study of world press freedom, concludes that the legal infrastructure of each country determine the most press freedom conditions.
In countries that still mempidanakan defamation and insult, according to Islamic Roumeen, press freedom can not be achieved. Even in countries that have not mempidanakan this offense but the burden of proof in the civil system is still adhered to the principle of proof on the defendant is charged and the "absolute truth of the facts is not an excuse for a defense", difficult to expect the media to do investigative reporting to the public interest because the stakes are too high. So, in order to achieve independence of the press, and effective role to maintain the democratic system and economic development with justice, the offense of defamation and insult should be expelled from the criminal justice system, and the burden of proof of this offense on civil law system must be charged to the plaintiffs.
Ideally, this law applies in countries which Uncategorized press freedom. In the United States is essentially the first amendment of the constitution, but in many other countries of the guards is a regional human rights courts respectively. In European countries that are members of the European Union or the Council of Europe, for example, the European Human Rights Court in Strasbourg disclaims all legal chapter in the country that still mempidanakan defamation and insult. The same is done by a court of human rights in Latin America and in Africa. Unfortunately, Indonesia is located in Asia Pacific, the only region in the world who do not yet have a regional human rights courts.
Even the government and parliament to increase the severity of the punishment of defamation and insults through the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE), almost three times from the threat of the Criminal Code which made the Dutch colonizers. Strangely, the same laws even mengkorting punishment for gambling via the Internet to a maximum of six years from 10 years promised by the Law No. 7 Year 1974 on criminal gambling.
Prita Mulyasari imprisonment for writing a complaint about the Omni Hospital services through electronic mail has made public anger against injustice articles 27 and 45 of this Act ITE. No less than President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has responded by promising to revise this law at the time berkampenye direct presidential election early last year.
Improving the Press Act, making the constitutional rights of freedom of the press become, eliminating the offense of criminal defamation and insult from the Criminal Code is another activity that we must do in order to press freedom in Indonesia has reached a status of "free" world scale.
In contrast with the press and Internet users sued for more professional in filling the existing independence. Communities were asked to maintain his critical attitude towards the media by refusing to support a press that was not ethical and supporting quality press.
By doing it all, so-so we hope the celebration of World Press Freedom Day next year, the condition of the national press was promoted to the status of "free." So who's afraid?
Journalists Welfare measure Synopsis:
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INDUSTRIAL PRESS, including press freedom, does not stand alone and apart from its surroundings. The development of an industrial press, always dependent on the social, economic, and political environment. Conversely, the development of the press, of course, also influenced the development of social, economic, and environmental politics in the press. This interdependence, not only on the nature and content of news, but also concerns journalists welfare. In countries that have good levels of economy and demand for information is high, then the welfare level is also relatively good journalists, equipped with various support businesses such as insurance, bonuses and so forth. In contrast, in developing countries, including Indonesia, whose economy has not developed and not very stable, with a society that still relies on the struggle to meet basic needs, welfare levels are also on the position of journalists who are still deprived. The presence of a book by Fleet Sukardi Vienna, through his research in the central cities of the growth of the Indonesian press, reinforce it.
Compared with the income level of other professions, professional Indonesian journalists from the financial aspect, has not been demonstrated as a profession that can provide establishment. In addition, a relatively low income, working as a journalist just as prone to the unpredictability of kekaryawanannya status. Companies often fall in wake of press, if you do not want to be called a bankrupt, makes every moment a journalist can lose his job, as well as lost income.
This state, bringing a variety of impacts into the world of the Indonesian press. One of them, appears symptoms "journalist"-Abal Abal, journalist "envelope" until journalists blackmailer. Actual "journalists" of this kind do not implement the task of the press, but more to make money without anything to do with the job of the press. But the presence of "journalist" has damaged the image of the actual profession of journalist. In the broader spectrum, it can interfere with the implementation of freedom of press.
One of the functions of the Press Council is to maintain the independence of the press. If freedom of the press is running well, the future can be very helpful democratic process. In a democratic country, the nation's economy can also grow in an open and fair. This creates a situation conducive opportunities for journalists who truly professional. In such circumstances, high and low income level journalists in such countries will be determined by the achievement or the professionalism of journalists themselves. Qualified and professional journalists will be accepted by the market as well, thus providing a good level of welfare as well. Conversely journalists who are not professional or fewer behavior will only be given the appropriate level of welfare with the level of ability. Then the reporters will be competing to become a professional journalist. This is where freedom of the press will create conducive conditions for journalists to compete in a healthy and professional, including the matter of welfare.
This book is one of the efforts of the Press Council to obtain more accurate data about the welfare of Indonesian journalists. This study reveals how low the facts pertaining to the welfare of journalists. During this low level of salaries journalists still form assumptions alone. But with this study, the assumption was changed into a hard irrefutable facts. The existence of such data would sharpen our analysis in dissecting knife problems that arise in the world press. Sharpness improvement is needed to generate alternatives to the obvious solution. For that the Press Council fully supports this kind of book publishing.
Jakarta, August 20, 2009
Prof. Dr. Ichlasul Amal, MA
Chairman of Press Council
During Ramadhan According to the Use of Electricity
BANDUNG: PT PLN guarantee electricity supply to the public during the month of Ramadan until Lebaran will be stable and there is no rotating blackouts.
Deputy Communications Manager of PT PLN Distribution West Java-Banten, Adang Dzakarsih, said it was preparing for whatever the electricity needs of the community.
"If supply is safe, but if we can not guarantee that interference will not be a disturbance," Adang said.
According Adang, during the month of Ramadan enters the current electricity usage has decreased to reach 100 MW or about 4% of the use of the usual.
"In addition to the period of Ramadan, the reduction will also occur before Lebaran," he said.
Adang said, to anticipate the existence of a network disruption it appealed to people not engaged in playing a kite under power lines.
"Electrical disturbances occur most commonly by the activities of the kite, there's that use a small wire as the string so that the network will occur if exposed to a brief relationship," he said.
XL Block Porn Sites
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PT XL Axiata has made blocking of sites that smell porn banned by the government according to the laws of pornography.
President Director of XL Axiata, Hasnul Suhaimi, said it had already done most of the blocking of pornographic sites that can be accessed through XL's network.
"We do only at the level of blocking and server URL. But the most important individuals each, "said Hasnul ..
According to Hasnul, due to the blocking of pornographic sites, a decline the use of traffic until it reaches 5% of normal.
"Blocking we did since last week, and there's 5% decline in traffic," he said.
Hasnul estimate the blocking effect of this will be a lot of porn sites on the Internet that would change his name although its contents remain the same.
President Director of XL Axiata, Hasnul Suhaimi, said it had already done most of the blocking of pornographic sites that can be accessed through XL's network.
"We do only at the level of blocking and server URL. But the most important individuals each, "said Hasnul ..
According to Hasnul, due to the blocking of pornographic sites, a decline the use of traffic until it reaches 5% of normal.
"Blocking we did since last week, and there's 5% decline in traffic," he said.
Hasnul estimate the blocking effect of this will be a lot of porn sites on the Internet that would change his name although its contents remain the same.
The discovery of the Mystery G30S/PKI
After waiting for four decades, finally was published a book that reveals the mystery of the events September 30 Movement. Excuse Massacre: September 30th Movement and Suharto's Coup, a translation of the book Pretext for Mass Murder by John Roosa.
Confusion has lasted so long because the New Order regime's history and nurture its monopoly for years. Another version, as written by Ben Anderson and his colleagues (then known as the Cornell Paper), which assumes that the internal problems the Army (Army), was banned and its author banned entered Indonesia. The debate about the September 30th Movement forbidden, even business ISAI (Institute of Studies on Free Flow of Information) published a thin book about each version of the September 30th Movement was propped Attorney General in 1995.
In such an atmosphere, when Suharto fell, the rise in ground water of (translated) essay about the September 30th Movement since 1998. Analysis provided diverse, ranging from creeping coup (Saskia Wieringa, Peter Dale Scott, Subandrio) up to an intentional coup to fail as it is written Coen Hotzappel.
Indeed there are many groups that benefit from the failure of the coup, but whether the parties agreed to design the event with the scenario is such a neat and everything goes as expected they? Apparently not.
However, each theory has a weakness. If it is mentioned that the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) as a whole rebellion, why are three million members of this party did not take the fight when it hunted down and killed after the movement was erupting? Why is the third largest communist party in the world when it was so easy dirontokkan?
Analysis of the mentions that it was an internal issue of the Army is also unsatisfactory because the problem is not that simple. Is not Syria and Pono also involved? Meanwhile, Sukarno's version as the mastermind was also in doubt. When the president was fully aware of this action plan before, why he circled the city before heading to an air base on October 1, 1965? Why not just the President of the House of Ratna Sari Dewi Yaso residence (now the Museum Satria Mandala at Jalan Gatot Subroto) toward Halim Perdanakusuma?
Similarly, Soeharto was not too "genius" to be able to design a systematic struggle for power. Still need to be further investigated how far the Suharto knew the plan as submitted Colonel Latif in the meeting the previous night at the Army Hospital Gatot Subroto.
United States (U.S.) not to interfere on September 30 and October 1, 1965, in spite of various documents mention their involvement before and after these bloody events. For the U.S. government at that time, when Indonesia with a population of fourth or fifth-largest in the world with abundant natural resources and its strategic position, fell into the hands of communists, it means that there has been an end.
Research conducted by John Roosa use the archive as a whole rarely reviewed so far, such as Supardjo documents, the writings of Muhammad Munir and Iskandar Subekti stored in Amsterdam, an interview with the CPI figures such as "Hasan" who requested her identity be kept secret until he died.
Muhammad Munir is a member of the Politburo, and Iskandar Subekti PKI is the clerk of the PKI Politburo, who on October 1, 1965 typed announcements issued September 30 Movement. As for "Hasan" is considered a logical position to know of special Bureau. "Hasan" itself was written memoirs that have been submitted to the author of the book (John Roosa) that can be published after he died. In addition to important documents, as well as in-depth interviews with central figures had left the organization, the archives that originated from the U.S. State Department to help explain things.
Documents Supardjo considered quite legitimate-as a kind of accountability after the event, which was written when he was not caught. Several witnesses, including Lieutenant Colonel Atmodjo Air Heru, who are both in prison with Supardjo, acknowledging the existence of the letter. The family also agreed that information Supardjo ever delivered.
Documents show that the main weakness of the September 30th Movement is the absence of a single command. There are two groups of leaders, namely the military (Fortunately, Latief and Sudjono) and the Bureau of particular PKI (Syria, Pono, Bono with Aidit in the background). Syria holds the central role because he is in a liaison position between these two parties.
However, when this effort did not have the support of President Sukarno, and even asked to be stopped, then the confusion happened and the two groups broke out. The military wants to comply with the request of Sukarno, while the Bureau continues it special. This may explain why among the first public announcement by the second and third there is an interval of up to five hours. Something in the coup attempt was a big mistake. In the morning they announced that the President in a state of survivors. While the subsequent announcement in the day had changed drastically (the formation of the Revolutionary Council and the dissolution of the cabinet).
This book simplifies the complexities of the mystery with detective-style method. Readers are convinced that the key figure 30 September Movement, Syria Kamaruzzaman, not a double agent, let alone a triple agent, but a loyal servant Aidit since many years. Implementing PKI special bureau that was new was arrested in 1968 were executed in 1986. He was like a princess Scheherazade who delayed killing himself by telling the king a story every night, so it can survive for 1001 nights. Syria and survived more than 18 years with the recognition in 1001 authored.
Supardjo document reveals why the movement failed and could not be saved. Confusion between "rescue President Sukarno" and "attempted coup" by disbanding the cabinet described vividly. Long before the bloody incident, the U.S. has been thinking about and discussing all necessary measures to encourage the CPI to advance buzz, so it can be soundly beaten by the Army. And, Aidit was trapped. Because already knew before it happened, then-general Suharto was the most ready at the date of October 1, 1965 when everyone else is confused and panicky. Suharto's own name was not included in the list of officers who would be kidnapped.
As historian Hilmar Farid presented in this book launch in Yogyakarta, this work is credited with revealing that the September 30th Movement was more appropriately considered as an action (to kidnap seven generals and confronts the president), not as a movement. Because this event is an action group of people in Jakarta and Central Java which can be eradicated within a day or two.
However, this action (which later turned out to cause the deaths of six generals) and then by Suharto and his friends used as a pretext to eradicate the PKI to the roots, which in the field resulted in mass murder with the victims more than half a million inhabitants. If the generals who were kidnapped were caught alive, maybe the history of Indonesia would have been different. PKI masses will take to the streets and demanded that the generals were sacked. The President will be urged to provide department chairs to the left, because until 1965 Sukarno never entrust the leadership of the department to the communist leaders unless the Minister of State.
This book has a little weakness, like the writing of Captain Bambang Widjanarko (p. 116; should colonel) and Colonel H Maulwi Saelan (p. 57; in 1965 Saelan not yet made a pilgrimage). New Saelan perform pillars of Islam that the New Order era and led the Al Azhar Islamic School Foundation.
However, on the other hand, the book has many strengths. First, using documents that have been neglected, such as documents Supardjo, Iskandar pledoi Subekti and writings of Muhammad Munir. Second, Roosa successfully conduct in-depth interviews with the "Hasan", a character who knows the key to progress as a unit called the Bureau of particular PKI.
Third, the above sources with the United States archives that have been opened from time to time and become a powerful tool for analyzing history. Fourth, John Roosa successfully develop a new narrative that the September 30th Movement was not a movement, but rather an action that turned out to be an excuse for mass murder.
Fifth, efforts that have been made professor of history University of British Columbia, Canada, this led to debate about who the masterminds G30S was duly terminated. Should now shift the discussion about how the process of mass murder in 1965 it happened and why it took so many casualties. So, that questionable no longer "who masterminds G30S" but "who the mastermind behind the massacre in 1965?.
Excuse Book Massacre: September 30th Movement and Suharto's coup has succeeded in showing new data (several documents from inside and outside the country), the new methodology (to include oral history) and a new perspective (this is not a movement action, but then made the excuse for the events the next more powerful).
Confusion has lasted so long because the New Order regime's history and nurture its monopoly for years. Another version, as written by Ben Anderson and his colleagues (then known as the Cornell Paper), which assumes that the internal problems the Army (Army), was banned and its author banned entered Indonesia. The debate about the September 30th Movement forbidden, even business ISAI (Institute of Studies on Free Flow of Information) published a thin book about each version of the September 30th Movement was propped Attorney General in 1995.
In such an atmosphere, when Suharto fell, the rise in ground water of (translated) essay about the September 30th Movement since 1998. Analysis provided diverse, ranging from creeping coup (Saskia Wieringa, Peter Dale Scott, Subandrio) up to an intentional coup to fail as it is written Coen Hotzappel.
Indeed there are many groups that benefit from the failure of the coup, but whether the parties agreed to design the event with the scenario is such a neat and everything goes as expected they? Apparently not.
However, each theory has a weakness. If it is mentioned that the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) as a whole rebellion, why are three million members of this party did not take the fight when it hunted down and killed after the movement was erupting? Why is the third largest communist party in the world when it was so easy dirontokkan?
Analysis of the mentions that it was an internal issue of the Army is also unsatisfactory because the problem is not that simple. Is not Syria and Pono also involved? Meanwhile, Sukarno's version as the mastermind was also in doubt. When the president was fully aware of this action plan before, why he circled the city before heading to an air base on October 1, 1965? Why not just the President of the House of Ratna Sari Dewi Yaso residence (now the Museum Satria Mandala at Jalan Gatot Subroto) toward Halim Perdanakusuma?
Similarly, Soeharto was not too "genius" to be able to design a systematic struggle for power. Still need to be further investigated how far the Suharto knew the plan as submitted Colonel Latif in the meeting the previous night at the Army Hospital Gatot Subroto.
United States (U.S.) not to interfere on September 30 and October 1, 1965, in spite of various documents mention their involvement before and after these bloody events. For the U.S. government at that time, when Indonesia with a population of fourth or fifth-largest in the world with abundant natural resources and its strategic position, fell into the hands of communists, it means that there has been an end.
Research conducted by John Roosa use the archive as a whole rarely reviewed so far, such as Supardjo documents, the writings of Muhammad Munir and Iskandar Subekti stored in Amsterdam, an interview with the CPI figures such as "Hasan" who requested her identity be kept secret until he died.
Muhammad Munir is a member of the Politburo, and Iskandar Subekti PKI is the clerk of the PKI Politburo, who on October 1, 1965 typed announcements issued September 30 Movement. As for "Hasan" is considered a logical position to know of special Bureau. "Hasan" itself was written memoirs that have been submitted to the author of the book (John Roosa) that can be published after he died. In addition to important documents, as well as in-depth interviews with central figures had left the organization, the archives that originated from the U.S. State Department to help explain things.
Documents Supardjo considered quite legitimate-as a kind of accountability after the event, which was written when he was not caught. Several witnesses, including Lieutenant Colonel Atmodjo Air Heru, who are both in prison with Supardjo, acknowledging the existence of the letter. The family also agreed that information Supardjo ever delivered.
Documents show that the main weakness of the September 30th Movement is the absence of a single command. There are two groups of leaders, namely the military (Fortunately, Latief and Sudjono) and the Bureau of particular PKI (Syria, Pono, Bono with Aidit in the background). Syria holds the central role because he is in a liaison position between these two parties.
However, when this effort did not have the support of President Sukarno, and even asked to be stopped, then the confusion happened and the two groups broke out. The military wants to comply with the request of Sukarno, while the Bureau continues it special. This may explain why among the first public announcement by the second and third there is an interval of up to five hours. Something in the coup attempt was a big mistake. In the morning they announced that the President in a state of survivors. While the subsequent announcement in the day had changed drastically (the formation of the Revolutionary Council and the dissolution of the cabinet).
This book simplifies the complexities of the mystery with detective-style method. Readers are convinced that the key figure 30 September Movement, Syria Kamaruzzaman, not a double agent, let alone a triple agent, but a loyal servant Aidit since many years. Implementing PKI special bureau that was new was arrested in 1968 were executed in 1986. He was like a princess Scheherazade who delayed killing himself by telling the king a story every night, so it can survive for 1001 nights. Syria and survived more than 18 years with the recognition in 1001 authored.
Supardjo document reveals why the movement failed and could not be saved. Confusion between "rescue President Sukarno" and "attempted coup" by disbanding the cabinet described vividly. Long before the bloody incident, the U.S. has been thinking about and discussing all necessary measures to encourage the CPI to advance buzz, so it can be soundly beaten by the Army. And, Aidit was trapped. Because already knew before it happened, then-general Suharto was the most ready at the date of October 1, 1965 when everyone else is confused and panicky. Suharto's own name was not included in the list of officers who would be kidnapped.
As historian Hilmar Farid presented in this book launch in Yogyakarta, this work is credited with revealing that the September 30th Movement was more appropriately considered as an action (to kidnap seven generals and confronts the president), not as a movement. Because this event is an action group of people in Jakarta and Central Java which can be eradicated within a day or two.
However, this action (which later turned out to cause the deaths of six generals) and then by Suharto and his friends used as a pretext to eradicate the PKI to the roots, which in the field resulted in mass murder with the victims more than half a million inhabitants. If the generals who were kidnapped were caught alive, maybe the history of Indonesia would have been different. PKI masses will take to the streets and demanded that the generals were sacked. The President will be urged to provide department chairs to the left, because until 1965 Sukarno never entrust the leadership of the department to the communist leaders unless the Minister of State.
This book has a little weakness, like the writing of Captain Bambang Widjanarko (p. 116; should colonel) and Colonel H Maulwi Saelan (p. 57; in 1965 Saelan not yet made a pilgrimage). New Saelan perform pillars of Islam that the New Order era and led the Al Azhar Islamic School Foundation.
However, on the other hand, the book has many strengths. First, using documents that have been neglected, such as documents Supardjo, Iskandar pledoi Subekti and writings of Muhammad Munir. Second, Roosa successfully conduct in-depth interviews with the "Hasan", a character who knows the key to progress as a unit called the Bureau of particular PKI.
Third, the above sources with the United States archives that have been opened from time to time and become a powerful tool for analyzing history. Fourth, John Roosa successfully develop a new narrative that the September 30th Movement was not a movement, but rather an action that turned out to be an excuse for mass murder.
Fifth, efforts that have been made professor of history University of British Columbia, Canada, this led to debate about who the masterminds G30S was duly terminated. Should now shift the discussion about how the process of mass murder in 1965 it happened and why it took so many casualties. So, that questionable no longer "who masterminds G30S" but "who the mastermind behind the massacre in 1965?.
Excuse Book Massacre: September 30th Movement and Suharto's coup has succeeded in showing new data (several documents from inside and outside the country), the new methodology (to include oral history) and a new perspective (this is not a movement action, but then made the excuse for the events the next more powerful).
23 Indonesians dead in crush for cash handout
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JAKARTA, Indonesia -- At least 23 Indonesians were crushed to death Monday while trying to collect $4.25 in cash handouts from a rich family at a charity event marking the Islamic holy month, officials said. Eight others were critically injured in the stampede.
Several thousand people started gathering outside the house in Pasuruan, a town about 500 miles (800 kilometers) east of the capital of Jakarta, in the morning to collect their tithe, said local police chief Harry Sitompul.
Television footage showed the victims _ mostly women _ screaming as they were pushed into the fence outside the home. At least 23 died and eight others were hospitalized, Sitompul said, some after being trampled and others from lack of oxygen.
Many of Indonesia's 220 million Muslims fast during the daylight hours of Ramadan.
Under a system known as Zakat, the wealthy are required to give away a portion of their money to the poor, but distribution is often chaotic and sometimes deadly. Many donors choose to hand out gifts directly, worried that corrupt government officials will try to pocket some of the cash.
"It's tragic and embarrassing," said Social Affairs Minister Bachtiar Chamzah. "It goes to show that we have to find a better way ... we have to fix this."
The man behind Monday's charity event, reportedly a car dealer, was placed under police protection afterward to prevent reprisal attacks from relatives of victims, said Mayor Aminurohman, who like many Indonesians goes by a single name.
The same man held a similar event last year that drew thousands of people and resulted in one death, with dozens injured, he said.
"There was no coordination with police during the handout," the mayor said. "It's a shame he did not learn from his past mistakes and ask for help."
Several thousand people started gathering outside the house in Pasuruan, a town about 500 miles (800 kilometers) east of the capital of Jakarta, in the morning to collect their tithe, said local police chief Harry Sitompul.
Television footage showed the victims _ mostly women _ screaming as they were pushed into the fence outside the home. At least 23 died and eight others were hospitalized, Sitompul said, some after being trampled and others from lack of oxygen.
Many of Indonesia's 220 million Muslims fast during the daylight hours of Ramadan.
Under a system known as Zakat, the wealthy are required to give away a portion of their money to the poor, but distribution is often chaotic and sometimes deadly. Many donors choose to hand out gifts directly, worried that corrupt government officials will try to pocket some of the cash.
"It's tragic and embarrassing," said Social Affairs Minister Bachtiar Chamzah. "It goes to show that we have to find a better way ... we have to fix this."
The man behind Monday's charity event, reportedly a car dealer, was placed under police protection afterward to prevent reprisal attacks from relatives of victims, said Mayor Aminurohman, who like many Indonesians goes by a single name.
The same man held a similar event last year that drew thousands of people and resulted in one death, with dozens injured, he said.
"There was no coordination with police during the handout," the mayor said. "It's a shame he did not learn from his past mistakes and ask for help."
Son of the Greedy Monkey
Once, a bird with a caterpillar manintin boating in a lake of clear water. Parts of their boat is big enough cucumber fruit, which has thrown its contents. They were boating along the edge of the lake, singing bersahut-replication.
Tin, tin menintin.
Then came a woodpecker, who liked to tap-nokok tree. He also wanted to take boating. Then he said, "Gosh, what a joy you are boating, can I join?"
"It's okay," said the bird manintin, "As long as this cucumber boat you're not holed up."
"Ah, of course not. I dare Cuisine holes? "Said the woodpecker. So the three of them bersampanlah. Now increasingly long and melodious singing.
Tin Tin menintin.
Suddenly there came a baby monkey swinging on a tree branch at the edge of the lake. He shouted manintin calling birds.
"Hi, beep, beep! Stop first, I was going, huh? "
"No, ah. Do you like the naughty, "said the bird manintin," Later this boat out you're eating. "
"Ah, no. I swear I will not eat cucumbers, "said the child monkey manintin persuade birds.
"Then, come up," said manintin kind of bird.
So the four of them singing bersampanlah:
Tin, tin manintin
What sounds. Rippling lake water-ripple glad to hear that song. Medium clouds follow the boat.
But over time the child monkey tastes arise. He wants to eat a cucumber boat it occupies. Smack her mouth to swallow saliva. He whined, "Oh Martin, I'm hungry. My stomach hurts. Asked for cucumbers is a little, yes. "He said as he held his stomach.
"Oh, no, no!" Burunt manintin surprised. "Later the boat was sinking."
"No, just a little," monkey boy said again. "I'm going to bite the edges only. Oops, please beep, I nearly died of starvation. "
Bird manintin also sorry to see the grinning monkey-boy grin that.
"Okay, but just a little yes. Do not a lot. "
So that the margins slightly digigitlah cucumber. When it feels good, the child continues to bite a little monkey again. Then a little longer and a little more ...
Finally tenggelamlah cucumber boat with the child's greedy monkeys. With the sad bird woodpecker menintin and flew to the air, carrying the caterpillar. They can not bring the child monkey, because he was too heavy.
Tin, tin menintin.
Then came a woodpecker, who liked to tap-nokok tree. He also wanted to take boating. Then he said, "Gosh, what a joy you are boating, can I join?"
"It's okay," said the bird manintin, "As long as this cucumber boat you're not holed up."
"Ah, of course not. I dare Cuisine holes? "Said the woodpecker. So the three of them bersampanlah. Now increasingly long and melodious singing.
Tin Tin menintin.
Suddenly there came a baby monkey swinging on a tree branch at the edge of the lake. He shouted manintin calling birds.
"Hi, beep, beep! Stop first, I was going, huh? "
"No, ah. Do you like the naughty, "said the bird manintin," Later this boat out you're eating. "
"Ah, no. I swear I will not eat cucumbers, "said the child monkey manintin persuade birds.
"Then, come up," said manintin kind of bird.
So the four of them singing bersampanlah:
Tin, tin manintin
What sounds. Rippling lake water-ripple glad to hear that song. Medium clouds follow the boat.
But over time the child monkey tastes arise. He wants to eat a cucumber boat it occupies. Smack her mouth to swallow saliva. He whined, "Oh Martin, I'm hungry. My stomach hurts. Asked for cucumbers is a little, yes. "He said as he held his stomach.
"Oh, no, no!" Burunt manintin surprised. "Later the boat was sinking."
"No, just a little," monkey boy said again. "I'm going to bite the edges only. Oops, please beep, I nearly died of starvation. "
Bird manintin also sorry to see the grinning monkey-boy grin that.
"Okay, but just a little yes. Do not a lot. "
So that the margins slightly digigitlah cucumber. When it feels good, the child continues to bite a little monkey again. Then a little longer and a little more ...
Finally tenggelamlah cucumber boat with the child's greedy monkeys. With the sad bird woodpecker menintin and flew to the air, carrying the caterpillar. They can not bring the child monkey, because he was too heavy.
Move to Israel and became Muslim
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In 1998, Joseph Cohen, an Orthodox Jew born in the U.S. to move to Israel for a very strong belief in the teachings of Judaism. He later lived in Gush Qatif settlements in Gaza (Israel withdrew from Gaza area in 2005).
Cohen never thought that the move to Israel instead bring in the light of Islam. After three years of settlement in Gaza, Cohen decided to become a Muslim after he met with a sheikh's origin and the United Arab Emirates to discuss theology with the sheikh is via the Internet. Once converted to Islam, Cohen changed his name to the name of Islam Yousef al-Khattab.
Shortly after he uttered the confession of faith, his wife and four children Yousef follow in his footsteps to become Muslims. Now, Yousef al-Khattab active preaching among Jews, though he himself disowned by their families who do not like to see it converted to Islam.
"I was no longer in touch with my family. We should not decide familial relationship, but my family is Jewish parties to the entity to his Jewishness. We have no other option but to terminate at this time.'s Last words that they toss at me, they told me barbaric, "said Yousef about the relationship with his family now.
The Child and Square
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In one evening, sat a mother who was helping her children to repeat their lessons. The mother gave her little son who was 4 years old a picture book in order not to disturb him in giving testimony against his brothers a lesson the other.
Suddenly, the mother remembered that she had not been presenting dinner for her husband's father (in law), one who is advanced, and lived with them in a room outside the house building, which is in the court house. Is the mother to serve him according to his ability, and the husband is pleased with the service for the father who did not leave her room because of weak health.
Knowing about the diversity of Indonesian culture
Indonesian Cultural Diversity
Cultural diversity or "cultural diversity" is a necessity that Indonesia is in the earth. Indonesia's cultural diversity is something that can not be denied its existence. In understanding the context of a plural society, ethnic groups other than culture, Indonesian society also consists of various regional cultures are territorial, which is the meeting of different cultures existing ethnic groups in the area. With a population of 200 million people where they live scattered island-island in Indonesia. They also inhabit the region with varying geographical conditions. Starting from the mountains, forest edges, coastal, lowland, rural, to urban areas. This also relates to the level of civilization of ethnic groups and different communities in Indonesia. Meetings with outside cultures also affect the process of cultural assimilation in Indonesia so add variety of cultures that exist in Indonesia. Then also developing and expanding major religions in Indonesia also supports the development of Indonesian culture so memcerminkan particular religious culture. You could say that Indonesia is one country with cultural keaneragaman level or high level heterogenitasnya. Not just cultural diversity but also diversity of ethnic groups in the context of the culture of civilization, to modern tradsional, and territorial.
With the diversity of Indonesian culture can be said to have advantages compared with other countries. Indonesia has a portrait of a complete and varied culture. And last but not least, the socio-cultural and political fabric of Indonesian society has a history of inter-cultural dynamics of the coupled interactions since the first. Interactions between culture includes not only inter-woven ethnic groups differently, but also include inter-civilization existing in the world. Labuhnya Portuguese ships in Banten in the middle ages for example, has opened up Indonesia in the international social circle at that time. The relationship between vendors and coastal gujarat Java also provides an important sense in building the interaction between civilizations that exist in Indonesia. Touched touched this civilization has been built basically the Indonesian nation elasitas power in interacting with a difference. Other Side of the Indonesian nation was also able to probe and develop local culture amid inter-civilization touched it.
Historical Evidence
History proves that the culture in Indonesia is able to live side by side, complementary, and nor run in parallel. For example culture or the royal palace that stood in line in parallel with the culture of hunting gathering society. In the present context we can see how the culture of urban society can be run in parallel with the culture of rural or rural areas, even with the hunting culture of the living concocting outlandish. Inter-cultural relationships can be woven into the current frame "Unity in Diversity", where can we maknai that the context of diversity not only refers to the diversity of ethnic groups alone but to the cultural context.
Constituted also that the number of ethnic groups more or less ethnic 700'an throughout the archipelago, with various types of diverse community groups, and religious diversity, the people of Indonesia is a plural society is fragile indeed. Fragile in the sense of the diversity of its different then owned by his potential for conflict will increase sharply. Differences that exist in society will be a driving force to strengthen the conflict issues that arise in the midst of a society where conflict actually arose from other issues that are not related to cultural diversity. Like the cases of conflict that emerged in Indonesia where it was confirmed as a case of religious and ethnic conflict. In reality these conflicts dominated by other issues that are more political and economic. Indeed there is no single cause in the case of existing conflicts in Indonesia. However, several cases of conflicts that exist in Indonesia began to raise questions about the diversity we have and how they should manage it properly.
Role of government: diversity guards
Indeed the role of government in the context of maintaining cultural diversity is very important. In this context the government pengayom and serves as a protector for its citizens, as well as guardians of good interaction between cultural groups in Indonesia. But unfortunately the government that we think of as pengayom and guards, on the other side was not able to provide enough space for all the groups that live in Indonesia. For example how the government used to not provide a space for indigenous ethnic groups of minorities to develop in accordance with their culture. Cultures that developed in accordance with the ethnic was not taken seriously by the government. Cultures of minority ethnic groups has been replaced by the local dominant regional culture, which makes the native culture of minority ethnic groups become marginalized. Another example is quite striking is how such artworks culture results had been seen in the perspective of government interests. The government determines a good or bad a product of culture based on their interests. Strong implication of the political culture conducted in the past (New Order) is a homogenization of culture to become "Indonesia." In the sense that not appreciating the differences that grow and develop naturally, but turned off so as to become equal with the cultural identity of the so-called "national culture of Indonesia." In this context the process of cultural homogenization and cultural development causes in the community, including the culture of native ethnic groups and marginalized groups, to be underdeveloped and cornered. Like for example with the uniform form of bureaucracy that exist at village level for all regions in Indonesia in accordance with the existing village form in Java, thus causing the loss of traditional authority in the regional culture.
Do not deny the cultural marginalization process that occurs above groups can not be separated with a concept referred to as the national culture, which is also related to the political direction of the national culture at the time. The existence of national culture is in fact a concept that is general in nature and usually exist in the context of the history of the modern state in which it is used by countries to strengthen a sense of a diverse society and come from different cultural backgrounds. But the journey, the government subsequently strengthening its national cultural boundaries by using the forces of political, economic, and military possessed. This situation occurs associated with the idea of seeing that the efforts to form a national culture is also an effort to find letigimasi ideology for the sake of strengthening the role of government before its citizens. Not surprisingly then, if the visible surface is a symptom of how the government uses all means of political strength and power approach to "turn off" local cultures that have areas or groups of suburbs, where cultures were considered not in accordance with national culture.
After the reform in 1998, emerged a new awareness of how to address differences and diversity that is owned by the Indonesian nation. Namely consciousness to build multicultural nature of Indonesian society, where the main reference for the establishment of Indonesia's multicultural society is multibudayaisme, ie an ideology that recognizes and glorifies the difference in the equality of both individually and culturally (Suparlan, 1999). In this multicultural model, a society (including the nation's society such as Indonesia) is seen as having a culture that generally accepted in the community that 's type like a mosaic. Inside the mosaic covered by all cultures of the societies in smaller communities that make up a greater realization, which has a mosaic of cultures such as these. Multibudayaisme model is actually being used as a reference by the founders of the Indonesian nation in designing what is called as a cultural nation, as revealed in the explanation of Article 32 UUD 1945, which reads: "the cultural nation (Indonesia) is a cultural peaks in the region".
As an ideology, multicultural infrastructure must be supported by strong democratic system and supported by the ability of the government apparatus multibudayaisme qualified because the key is equality before the law. State in this case serves as a facilitator as well as patterns of interaction among cultures carers groups to stay balanced between central and local interests, the key is managing the balance between the two governments at an extreme point of locality and centrality. Like for example the case of Papua, where the government allowed to be grown in culture Papuanya, but economically done a fair division of the economic pie. In the context of time, products or culture results can be viewed in two prespekif the culture prevailing at this time and remains or cultural product in the past.
Maintaining cultural diversity
In the present context, the cultural treasures will be more related to cultural products related to three cultural manifestation of cultural knowledge, cultural attitudes or cultural practices that are still valid, and physical products are tangible cultural artifacts or buildings. Some aspects related to the third form of culture which can be seen is among others is the product of art and literature, traditions, lifestyles, value systems, and belief systems. Cultural diversity in the context of this study more or be interpreted as the result of cultural products that exist at present. In the context of a multicultural society, the existence of cultural diversity is something that must be preserved and respected presence. Cultural diversity is to cut the cultural differences of groups of people who live in Indonesia. If we refer to the UNESCO Convention 2005 (Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions) on cultural diversity or "cultural diversity", cultural diversity is defined as a cultural richness which is seen as a way of existing in a cultural group or society to reveal expression . This is not only related to the cultural diversity that becomes the cultural background, but also variations in the way of artistic creation, production, dissemination, distribution and penghayatannya, whatever the meaning and use of technology. Or termed by Unesco in 2005 as a UNESCO convention document "cultural expression" (cultural expression). The contents of cultural diversity will be referred to the symbolic meaning, artistic dimension and cultural values that lie behind them.
In this context of cultural knowledge will contain knowledge about the symbols used by the community owner to understand and interpret their environment. Intangible cultural knowledge will usually cultural values and cultural values of the tribes of the Indonesian nation, where in it contains the local wisdom and local culture of local tribes. Local wisdom in the form of local cultural values are reflected in the tradition of traditional ceremonies and works of art groups and indigenous tribes in the archipelago. While cultural behavior related to behavior or actions that come from cultural values that exist. Forms of cultural behavior can dirupakan in the form of everyday behavior, interaction patterns, subsistence activities of society, and so forth. Or can we refer to as cultural activities. In the cultural artifacts, local wisdom Indonesian nation embodied in works of art or cultural objects (cultural heritage). If we see the explanation above, the real wealth of Indonesia has a variety of forms. Not only the variety of forms but also related to the origin. Cultural diversity is the real wealth of the culture of Indonesia.
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