Events in Rengasdengklok kidnapping or Security?

on 20 Agustus 2013

In August 16, 1945. Early morning, around 04.30 pm, a group of young revolutionaries brought Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to Rengasdengklok, West Java. There Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, and youth discuss Proclamation of Independence.

According to the official version of history, the event is a youth action "kidnap" Bung Karno and Bung Hatta. The incident, he said, is the aftermath of the clash of ideas between young versus old group on the Declaration of Independence.

In the official version of history is said, too old class compromise and just waiting for a gift of independence from Japan. Instead, the young group wants immediate proclamation of independence and not willing as a gift from Japan.

Bung Karno and Bung Hatta considered old group representation. While in the youth group there are names like Sukarni, Wikana, Chaerul Saleh, Aidit, Sidik Kertapati, Dervish, Suroto Kunto, AM Hanafie, Djohar Nur, Subadio, and others.

I think, there are some odd things from this historical explanation. With the use of the word "kidnapping", I imagine taking the force and deprivation of liberty in question. The question, what is the Bung Karno and Bung Hatta was abducted and lost its independence?

I read the book Kertapati Sidik, Proclamation Regarding the August 17, 1945. Sidik Kertapati is an actor of that event. In his explanation, Sidik Kertapati clearly uses the term "national security figures". According to him, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta taken out of the city so that they are spared from the Japanese in discussing their historical task, the Declaration of Independence.
Why Rengasdengklot? Because the area has long been a center of anti-fascist movement. There, said Kertapati, adan anti-fascist group called "Sweep Mas", which is headed by an officer of MAP, Syudanco Umar Bahsan.
If we read the chronology version Kertapati Sidik, when the youth tried to bring Bung Karno and Bung Hatta out of town, there is no coercion and deprivation of liberty. At that time, around 04.00 pm, Bung Karno was still asleep in his residence at 56 East Pegangsaan Cikini. He was awakened by Chaerul Saleh."The state already peaked. Crunch must be addressed, "said Saleh Chaerul to Bung Karno. "The Dutch and the Japanese were ready to face the crunch. Jakarta security can not be covered anymore by the youth and therefore Bung Karno in order to prepare to leave out of town, "he added.
When Bung Karno and his entourage arrived in Rengasdengklot, youth PETA welcomed with cries of "Long live Bung Karno!", "Indonesia Merdeka It!", And others. That is, if the kidnapping, there's no reception as such.
In August 15, 1945, there was a meeting at the hostel BAPERKI (Indonesian Student Representative Council) in Tjikini 71. A number of youth leaders present, such as Chaerul Saleh, Wikana, Aidit, Djohan Nur, Subadio, Suroto Kunto, and others.

Results of the meeting: Indonesian Independence had declared through Proclamation. The verdict will be delivered to the Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to them on behalf of the people of Indonesia declared its independence proclamation. That is, the young man wants Proclamation declared by Bung Karno and Bung Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation. In the same meeting, as disclosed Kertapati Sidik, Aditi suggested that Bung Karno defined as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia.

The meeting was then sent Wikana, Aidit, Subadio, and Suroto Bung Karno Kunto to meet at his residence. Wikana act as youth spokesman. The youth delegates urged Sukarno declared that the Declaration of Independence on 16 August 1945.

Responding permitaan youth, Bung Karno said that he could not make his own decisions. He requested an opportunity to confer with the other leaders. Youth delegates invited.

Negotiations took place between prominent leader at that time also. A few moments later, Bung Hatta out to meet the youth to present the results of the negotiations, that the proposal could not be accepted because the youth are considered less computation and it will take a lot of casualties.

Another question arises: what if the Bung Karno youth reject the proposal, then the intention of the proclamation is also standstill? Kertapati prints give an answer. According to him, the possibility of the participation not Bung Karno and Bung Hatta independence in action already taken into account. Alternatively: Proclamation will be made by the Presidium of the Revolution. That is, the youth already have Plan B. Only, indeed, it is possible to plan a revolutionary action and force of arms.

However, magnified by the initial rejection by the Bung Karno and Bung Hatta against youth and also the proposal plan B, I conclude that the decision brought Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to Rengasdengklot is a matter of security. Although, in fact, the process of discussion and debate between the youth and the Bung Karno continues in Rengasdengklok.

Sidik Kertapati version is similar to the explanation Aidit. Also Jusuf Kunto statement, PETA members involved events. To Mr. Subardjo, Joseph Kunto said, that the reason they brought Karno and Bung Hatta is because of concerns that they will be killed by the Japanese army or at least used as a hostage if unrest arise. Understandably, Kunto Yusuf said, on August 16, 1945, and PETA pemudan action plan for implementing the revolution.

From the story above, I tried to take some conclusions. First, the youth initiative brought Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to Rengasdengklok not a kidnapping, but security. The reason, on August 16, the youth planned "Revolution Action" to declare independence. It is, in fact, the action of the revolution that did not happen.

Second, the difference between the Bung Karno and youth is a matter of independence is a matter of the way. Bung Karno wanted through the Declaration of Independence remains safe, ie PPKI (Committee for Indonesian Independence), in order to avoid bloodshed and loss of life among the people of Indonesia. While the youth revolution wants action lines, namely the proclamation of independence in the midst of the masses.

Declaration of Independence held on August 17, 1945 at the residence of Bung Karno in Jakarta Pegangsaan 56 East. Proclamation was read by Bung Karno on behalf of the Indonesian nation. Not by PPKI-youth liking
