References from this book needs to be read and listened to on, ....
Vision and Mission:
1. Freemasory & Illuminati (page 1-12) Destroy enemies through? FINANCE? FOODS? FILMS? FASHION? FANTASY? FAITH? FRICTION? Complicting Ideological? Industry Weapon / War Schedule? International Financial Institutions? Industry Logistics / Post-War Reconstruction? Industry/ Spread of Opium/Drugs/Alcohol/Smoking?.
2. International Zionism (13-21) Create / control The New World Order? Create Revolution National & World War? Engineering separatism and disintegration? Create a Revolutionary Sex (free-sex, homosex, Lesbian)? Damaged Family (Domestic Partner, abortion)? Create a Flow-evil cult? Create / Biological Weapons Master / Virus / Weapons weather / Mass Destruction? Promote Secularism as a new religion / the future? Promote Multi Party.
3. Trio Imperialism (30-38) Create a Program-Poverty Program? Assets controlled economy? Wealth mastered nature is? The information asset master? Master the Political System and its Legal? Destroy Moral Subjects? Destroy Militancy Subjects? Dis-Islamization (Secularism, Liberalism, and Pluralism)? Enliven Apostasy?.
4. Separatism scenarios and external aggression (39-46) Terpurukkan its National Economy? Elite opposition politics is? Harizontal Conflict? Crockery its Military? Bring "Peace Force"? Create a paradigmatic invasion? Create Cells Resistance? After the invasion of Military Intervention Invented Legal Status?.
5. Heretical Thought spread (47-50) Karl Marx (Materialism and Atheism)? Sigmund Froud (Instinc & Sexual Libido)? Nietze (Finding Satisfaction Although the Abomination)? Charles Darwin (Man of the Monkey, who must overcome the weak Strong).
6. World Destruction of the 21st Century (51-57) Bombing Mecca (Senator Tancredo proposal)? Abolish Indonesia in 2025? Abolish Pakistan in 2025? Eliminate some African countries in 2025? World War III (To Make Greater Israel)? The New Crusade? Kill 3 billion people who are not favored by hunger and disease th 2050 (project proposed by W. Cohen 2025).
Beliefs Judaism (Israel / Jewish International)
1. Which we know the Jewish holy berkitab Taurot (which was revealed to Prophet Moses) but now it is not used at all even deliberately omitted. Torah which has now been changed by Samhandren (Rev. Jewish Values). So many verses new.
2. The Book is now so grip is Thalmud; does not come from the "sky" but a book that comes from the Ancient Egyptian magician in the days that follow the teachings of Kabbalah (satan worship Lucifer).
3. The Zionist Jews who propagate secularism based on the results of the meeting "Pinisepuh Zion" in Basel (Switzerland) in 1897 called "The Protocols Of The Meetings Of The Elders Of Zion", who want to establish the State of Israel? Greater Israel and mastering new world through deceit Democratization, Human Rights, Privatization, Free Trade, Globalization, and others.
4. Some verses Thalmud, among others:
a. A rabbi has been debating God and defeat. The Lord recognizes that Robbi was winning the debate (Baba Mezian 59b)
b. These are the words of Rabbi Simeon Ben Yohai, "Even the heathen (Gentiles) the most favorable should all be killed" (Small Agreements, Soferin 15)
c. Only the Jews are humans, while those non-Jews (Gentiles or Ghoyim) is not human but animal, (Kerithuth 6b).
d. Those non-Jews were created as slaves to serve the Jewish people (Midraseh Talpioth 225). The birth rate of non-Jews should be as small as possible (Zohar II, 4b).
e. God is never angry with the Jews but only angry at those non-Jews (Talmud IV/8/4a).
f. Jews must always try to deceive non-Jews (Zohar, 168a).
g. O my son, you shall prefer the fatwa of experts from the Talmud Torah verses (Talmud Erubin 2a).
Jewish Zionist program
Indonesia and Pakistan in 2025 already had secret document with clarification destroyed not for strategic assessments distrube a team led by former U.S. defense secretary William Cohen who is a Zionist kingpin, leaked out documents created in 2000 studied 15 experts disipin politik.Hasil The study titled "Asia 2025 and its effect on U.S. national security 21st century? That is The Scenario of Indonesia and Pakistan must be eliminated no later than the year 2010 to 2025.
However, it must be recognized Indonesian annihilation process more so, again read Hebrew books must handle the world (Jews should rule the world) U.S. Zionists will not wear street violence in advance, the first step they will enter its influence to Indonesia through television media, how social, fashion etc.. when it does not work that way!? then they will use violent measures / Starting war in 2006 with a number of Jewish influence in Indonesia such as the multi-dimensional crisis, starting with the emergence of separatist forces and moral destruction terorganisirnya young people with drug, alcohol etc.. that are backed up! capitalist west until finally we no longer able to defend our country called Indonesia.
Mastering the World Jewish Strategy
In 1773 a meeting of 13 prominent Jewish family in the world Judenstrasse, Bavaria. At the meeting designed how they should rule the world. They make a 25 point plan which was then approximately 124 years later the bill was passed into common agenda led International Zionist Movement theodore Hertzl the first international Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland under the name of Zions Protocol.
Here are 25 points of the design:
1. Human beings are much more inclined to evil than good. Therefore, the conspiracy must realize the "natural desire" this man. This will be applied to the system of government and power. Is not the first time humans subject to the authority without ever issuing criticism or dissent? Legislation is just a tool to limit the people, not to the ruler.
2. Utopian true political freedom. Even so, the conspiracy must propagate this to the people. If it's already eaten the people, the people will easily get rid of all the rights and facilities that have been found there of the authorities to fight for the utopian idealism. At that moment, conspiracy to seize their rights and facilities.
3. Power of money always trumps everything. Religion can control people in the past, are now beginning to be rolled up in a campaign of freedom. However, many people do not know why with that freedom. This is the task of conspiracy to fill the sake of power, with the power of money.
4. For the purpose, all means should be done. Anyone who wants power, he must necessarily reach it with cunning, extortion, and reversal of opinion. Virtue, ethics, morals, and so is ugliness in the world of politics.
5. Truth is the power of conspiracy. With the power, would want everything done.
6. For those of us who want to conquer the world financially, we must keep confidentiality. One time, the power of conspiracy will reach a level where there are no other forces that dare to hinder or destroy it. Any carelessness from within, will ruin a great program that has been written for centuries by Jewish priests.
7. Sympathy of the people must be taken so that they can be used for the benefit of the conspiracy. The masses are blind and impressionable. Authorities will not be able to lead the people unless he applies as a dictator. This is the only way.
8. Some of the means to achieve the objectives are: alcoholic beverages, narcotics, destruction of morals, sex, bribery, and so on. It is very important to destroy the moral norms of society. To that end, the conspiracy must recruit and educate young workers to be used as a means of achieving that goal.
9. Conspiracy to kindle the fire of war in disguise. Playing on both sides. So that the conspiracy would benefit but remain safe and efficient. The people will be affected by anxiety that makes it easy for conspiracy to master.
10. Conspiracy deliberately to produce a slogan to be "god" for the people. With the slogan, aristocratic ancestry government in power in France would be torn down. After that, a conspiracy to establish a government in accordance with the conspiracy.
11. War is waged in secret conspiracy to drag neighboring countries so that they are trapped into debt. Conspiracies are profiting from this condition.
12. Government conspiracy formed to be filled with people who are subject to the whims of conspiracy. Others can not.
13. Conspiracy to dominate the world opinion. The Jews who were victims of the same as 1000 non-Jews (Gentiles / Ghoyim) in return.
14. After a successful conspiracy to seize power, the new government should be formed to eradicate the old regime are considered responsible for the occurrence of this disorder. This will make the people believe in the conspiracy so that the new government is a protector and a hero in their eyes.
15. The economic crisis made will give new rights to the conspiracy, namely the right of the owners of capital in determining the direction of power. It would be a derivative of power.
16. Infiltration into the heart of Europe in order to streamline freemason and mengefisienkannya. Bluemasonry formation will be used as a tool for conspiracy to streamline its purpose.
17. Conspiracy to burn the spirit of the people up to the level of hysteria. At that time the people will destroy whatever we want, including law and religion. We will be easy to remove the name of God and decency of life.
18. War must be brought to the streets to make mass panic. Conspiracy will take advantage of this situation.
19. Conspiracy to create diplomat-diplomats to serve after the war. They will be a political advisor, economics, and finance for the new regime and also at the international level. Thus, the conspiracy could stick nails from behind the scenes.
20. Monopoly giant economic activities with the support of capital owned by conspiracy is a key condition for subjecting the world, until no one forces any non-Jew can match. Thus, we can freely play a domestic crisis.
21. Mastery of the natural wealth of the countries of non-Jews is absolutely necessary.
22. Triggering the war and gave her-sell-the most lethal weapons will accelerate the control of a country, which is inhabited by the poor live.
23. The covert regime will emerge after the conspiracy successfully implement its program.
24. Youth must be controlled and made them slaves of the conspiracy with the dissemination of moral decadence and understand that misleading.
25. Conspiracy to misuse the laws that exist in a state until the country was destroyed because of it.
Maybe we do not feel that Indonesia has long been dominated by Jews, although to date we do not have a bilateral relationship with Israel (the Jewish state invaders). When in fact, Jews have been in Indonesia since hundreds of years ago.
This book reveals the dark veil of Jews in Indonesia. Revealed a variety of things like of secret behind article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, oil policy, water policy, Microchip, Jewish descent in Indonesia, and so forth. Not many know that the Javanese aristocracy had been addicted to opiates since hundreds of years ago, how Exon, Chevron and foreign perusahaan2 have the wealth of Indonesia since hundreds of years ago. The story of Berkeley envoy mafias of Suharto, lists of products and others Indonesia Jews can be found in this booklet.
This book was written by Wang Xiang Jun, a multi-skill man. Atmajaya Industrial engineering graduate, swimmer Yogyakarta, Master of Petra Building Construction Management and MBA graduates in Taiwan. Because often gullible people, he took a master at Putra Bangsa Law Surabaya. PhD graduates also Sc.D Management and Technology.
This book is a sequel to the series of books: I am the Dajjal and anti-Christ
China's secret conspiracy TRIAD ...
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